Let Words Flow: Fannie Flagg Says "Don't Give up Before...." Inspiration for Your Blogging, Writing + More

Posted on the 05 December 2013 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot

Let words flow, let words flow, let words flow!

A practical way to stay unstuck with your blogging, writing and creativity as well as "out of the box" thinking.

 Each weekday, a quote, an image, several questions and a writing prompt are offered to you to use for  Your Blogging, Writing & Creative Inspiration in order to increase your creative thinking as well as your personal and soulful  development.


“Don't give up before the miracle happens.”
― Fannie Flagg


Think about the last time you gave something up. Write about the timing of your giving up and whether or not a miracle would be on its way.

Write about a miracle that came to you because you were tenacious (some might say stubborn, hard headed or willful.)


Make a list of 3 to 10 accomplishments you would like to make.

Make a list of any obstacles to the one accomplishment you most want to achieve from the list above.

Bonus: Write about how you will overcome one of the obstacles.

Traditional Writing Prompt:

There is one thing I absolutely refuse to give up on: …… (and explain what’s up with that.)

If I knew ______ when I started _______ I would…..

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 There are no rights and wrongs as to following the prompts here. There is only showing up for your life and your creativity and using what inspires you to fulfill your dreams, passion and purpose.

 Brava for being here!!

  This Blog Series was created to increase your creative thinking process as well as inspire writing and ideas to take form that may not have taken form without these specific quotes, questions and prompts. If you find them helpful, I hope you will pass them along to friends as well.

 I’m so glad you are here, reading and creating.


 Julie Jordan Scott is a writer, performance poet, Mommy and mixed-media artist. Her word-love themed art will be for sale at First Friday each month in Downtown Bakersfield. Check out the links below to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.

 Please stay in touch: Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot     

  Be sure to "Like" WritingCampwithJJS on Facebook. (Thank you!)

  Follow on Instagram

  And naturally, on Pinterest, too!

   © 2013 - Julie Jordan Scott - all rights reserved.

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