…let Your Heart Be Light

Posted on the 25 July 2019 by Zer @the2women

I warned you. I said it would happen. And here we are, one month after the six months until Christmas celebration (i.e. Leon Day), celebrating Christmas in July.

So, grab your jingle bells and let's do this...

Christmas in July affords the excuse, nay, opportunity to embrace all the Yuletide joys...

...without the additional hassles (outweighed by the joy, of course) the holiday has to offer (shopping, traffic, overbooked schedules).

Notice I didn't say snow because snow is pure joy...

...driving in the snow is another story...

But today, the 25th of July, we just have to worry about the joy...

So, haul out the holly...

Break out your favorite Christmas movies...

Embrace all the little things that make the holiday season the joy that it is.

And remember, only 153 shopping days until Christmas...

...bi-daily smile...