Letters To Rilynn // One Month

Posted on the 25 October 2013 by Wifessionals @wifessionals
Letters To Rilynn // One Month
My Dear Little Rilynn,

I don't even think I can express everything I feel for you in words. It is true what other mamas told me leading up to your birth - every day my love for you grows more and more. I know there isn't anything or anyone who I have ever loved in the way I love you. I loved you the 9 months you were growing in my belly and I prayed for you every day - but nothing could have prepared me for what it is actually like, now that you are here.

You are such a wonderful baby - you rarely cry and you sleep better than most newborns I know. This is funny, since I was a terrible baby when it came to crying and my parents always told me I was such a handful. Even though getting up in the wee hours of the night is not easy, these are some of my favorite times with you. It's just you and me in the stillness - rocking in your nursery or cuddled up on my bed. It's not easy to describe, but watching you as you nurse, your hands clutching my shirt or wandering around my skin...your eyes looking up at me and just quietly staring...I get so overcome with emotion. I know in those moments that you need me just as much as I need you and my eyes tear up. It is so crazy to me that you know me. You can tell the difference between your daddy or your grandma or your mommy. You can cry and scream if they are holding you - even if I know you just ate - but you will instantly grow quiet if I press you up against my chest or hold you in my arms.

Letters To Rilynn // One Month
Like the picture on your wall says, "No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside." I believe this is true and think that you know me so well from the nine months we spent together - just you and I.

You have grown and changed so much over the past month. You are now extremely alert, show so many expressions and emotions in your face and barely fit in any of your newborn clothes. You stay awake for 2-3 hour stretches, can sleep up to 5 hours at night and easily eat from a bottle without fussing or getting confused.

It is unbelievable to me that I have had you in my life for four weeks already, and sometimes I get so sad to think that this much time has already passed and you will never be this tiny ever again. I cherish every moment we have together. Although I am so excited to see the little girl you will turn into, I also wish that time would slow down and that you would stay a little munchkin forever.

I cannot wait to see what the next month holds. You brighten every day and I love you more than you will ever know. You are my little mini me and it is so fun to have you constantly by my side. I pray that you continue to grow into a healthy, beautiful young lady and that your heart will always be drawn to God and His overwhelming, overflowing love for you.

You are my precious little punkalina and I feel so blessed that I was given the opportunity to be your mama.
