Diaries Magazine

Letting off Some Steam with Pour Your Heart Out! #PYHO

Posted on the 22 August 2012 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

Letting off Some Steam with Pour Your Heart Out! #PYHO

It’s been awhile since I’ve linked up with Shell over at Things I Can’t Say.  Tonight I’m not even sure what I want to write about, but there have been a few heavy things on my mind.

I usually don’t just pour my heart out on my blog.  For the most part I try to keep things as positive as I can around here whether by giving out photography tips, or talking about an event I went to, or exploring this huge beautiful city of LA, or talking about a new product or book I just reviewed and loved.

But well, I realized the past few weeks that I just missed talking about “me.”  I get like this a lot, as I blog more and more, and become a little bit known, that every now and then I need a few days where I can talk about whatever I want.  And trust me, my mind changes from one thing to the next instantly.

But tonight, as I write this, a lot weighs on my mind.  Yesterday, my SO came home and told me he’s been laid off.  Since I moved out to LA it hasn’t been an easy transition for us.  2 weeks prior to me moving out here, almost 2 years ago, his boss told him he may have to let him go.  By that point, our plans were set in stone, my notice had been given at work, and there was no turning back.  That was what started the rocky roller coaster that we’ve been on for the past 2 years.

I’m staying pretty positive, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have fears and concerns.  What if he can’t find a job?  What will happen then?  Luckily, two months ago I did receive a nice raise at my job, and that will help out tremendously in the months ahead.  It’s going to be an interesting journey ahead, but I know it’s one we can handle.

And lately I’ve noticed I’ve been getting myself into a pretty big funk.  When I first moved out here I explored a lot.  I was checking out the latest museum, a beautiful park after work, or just walking along the beach.  This summer, I haven’t been doing too much of that.  I’ve noticed that I only go out if I technically have “plans” to go somewhere.

My brother was in town this past week, and it was GREAT to see him, and I told him I really don’t go out without plans, and his response was along these lines, “but some of the best things happen unplanned.”  So this has also been on my mind a lot lately.  The fact that I need to go out more, take in that beach that I’m so blessed to live by, or take a book and go read at the park, or explore a new part of town by walking around.  I realize I’ve stopped doing that.

Have you ever noticed you stopped doing the things you use to do so often? Please share with me what some of those things were.

Anyways, I made a preliminary list of topics to start thinking about whether it’s towns I want to go exploring in more, or parks to check out, or different parts of the beach to see, or little bakeries around town (I’m a sweet tooth.)  Of course, I’ll have to be frugal while I do this ;0

Thanks for taking the time to read, it just felt good to let this one out.


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