- People in my house requiring my attention ~ zero
- Animals getting any attention from me ~ zero
- Dinner ~ Dairy Milk Mint Chocolate, oh ya (I stood out in the garden and ate some fresh peas and arugula too, just so you know I am not totally irresponsible with my health…)
- Ceasers consumed so far ~ two
- Guilt for consumed Ceasers ~ zero (there is juice in there right?)
- Plants planted tonight ~ three
- Planters moved around ~ three
- Way too long of a shower, that was way too hot ~ yes
- Chance that I will spend the whole night sewing and not accomplishing anything else ~ 100%
- While I am sewing, I will be watching 8 episodes of The Young and Restless ~ absolutely
- Pride in the shirt I made last night ~ following into today…yes
- Chance that Tuesday is my Friday (even though I just had 6 days off) ~ 100%
- Life is good ~ ya baby, it is.
***Disclaimer: This post in no way insinuates that I don’t love my family or them being here… :)