Liebster Award

Posted on the 14 June 2012 by Meltingmoments

Ang and I were so flattered to receive a ‘Liebster Award‘ from Suz at Lovely Little Bookworms. The award is given to new bloggers who have less than 200 followers and whose blogs are considered worth following. Suz gave us a lovely write up on her blog. I stumbled across her lovely blog recently and love the inspiring ideas for young readers. Thank you Suz!

“Melting Moments
This is a great blog written by two mums, one of which is another twin mummy, and I love the fantastic kid friendly recipes that are shared as well as the personal parenting stories. If you are a mum of twins or are pregnant with twins definitely check out the “Surviving the First Year with Twins” section. If only this blog had been around a couple of years ago!”

The details of the award are as follows:

1. Choose 5 up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to give the award to.
2. Show your thanks to the blog that gave you the award by linking back to their page.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their blogs, and leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they received the award.
5. Share 5 random facts about yourself.

Five blogs we love:

1. Your Family Survival Coach – A cheerful blog about all things family. I love the tips about budgeting and saving strategies. I love the humor here and get lost hopping from post to post reading all of the clever ideas. It’s a great read.

2. Octavia and Vicky – I love this blog. I think Kylie and I would get on like a house on fire. She loves nerdy gadgets and loves to cook. Her blog is a must see for crafty inspiration, excellent tech ideas for kids and great simple recipes.

3. Dragonfly Mumma – A blog by a stay at home mum of a 2 year old son who is currently pregnant with her second child. This mum was inspired by her discovery and love of blogs to start her own. Her blog is about her interests, family life, baking, parenting and all the things they entail.

4. Beatrix Quills – Beatrix shares her stories of parenthood, craft and cookery. She blogs about life’s journey honestly and in turn, hopes to raise awareness of a condition she suffers from called trichotillomania.

5. Tackle Nappy - This is a blog by two dads, Chubba and Bucky, who have been mates forever and upon becoming parents came up with the idea of a blog for dads after not being able to find much online information for Aussie dads or dads to be. They created a place for dads to go and share what they are going through and experiencing, while feeling comfortable around blokes just like them. There is the odd sporting reference and humor thrown in.

Five random facts about Ang:

1. I’m not that fussed on chocolate. Yep it’s true. I would get a lot more satisfaction sitting down to a plate of baked pumpkin and peas, or a fruit salad than chocolate and lollies.
2. I used to be a pretty good gymnast and could do back flips across the whole width of a footy field.
3. I have a major fear of spiders.
4. I got hypnotized on stage once. And yes it was caught on video. Embarrassing much??
5. I love to sing, but really am not very good.

Five random facts about Kaz:
1. I had Gestational Diabetes when pregnant with my daughter
2. I was born with a strawberry birthmark on my head
3. My elbows are ‘double jointed’
4. I can dance
5. I hate Winter passionately