Liebster Award Questions Answered

Posted on the 02 April 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Liebster Award

Hi all, I have been very slack, actually extremely slack. I was nominated by two wonderful blogs for a Liebster Award. Erica from We Three Crabs and Declutterbug versus Captain Stingypants has also kindly nominated me as well. This was last year and I have not yet responded, and feel terrible it has taken me so long. So here is my reply to both posts from the lovely bloggers who have nominated me.

I would like to say a big thank you and appreciation to the lovely bloggers We Three Crabs and Declutterbug versus Captain Stingypants for nominating me and following my blog, it means a lot to me and I am grateful.

According to Erica’s post the rules are as follows:

“Bloggers award other bloggers who they deem as “up and coming” and have less than 200 followers. It’s a nice way to help other bloggers increase their visibility. If you receive a Liebster, you must tell 11 things about yourself, answer 11 questions posed by the nominating blogger, and nominate 11 new bloggers. Then you ask those bloggers 11 questions that they will answer. {Don’t forget to tell the new bloggers you have nominated them!}”

Questions from We Three Crabs

1. When did you start blogging?

I started blogging in 2008 after my twin girls were born.
2. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging for something to do, and it was good as it is very much like my day job before kids.  Before kids I  produced websites for corporates and the media so the next extension is to create something for me that I can manage and run. I enjoy being in charge of my own site and like the challenge and what lies ahead. Blogging is a great way to meet new friends and to keep active as a stay at home mother.
3. What color car do you drive?

Dark Blue
4. What state do you live in?

NSW – New South Wales, Australia
5. What is one tradition your family has at Christmas time?

We wait until we are all awake and unwrap presents together before breakfast. Then we usually sit in our pj’s till late morning and get ready to go to my family for lunch.
6. If you won the lottery what would you do first?

I would wait for the cheque to clear and then I would take the family a fancy restaurant for a celebration.
7. What is your favourite type of music?

Rock-Pop/Dance music
8. Beach or Mountains?

I would rather live at the beach, however I live in the mountains now. But bring on the beach!
9. What is your favourite dessert?

Rich dark chocolate the melts in your mouth. If not rich dark chocolate ice-cream
10. Do you do anything crafty? Tell us about it.

When I have time I sew or try to. Creating outfits for my little girls and hopefully to sell one day.
11. On an average day at your house, how much time do you spend watching tv?

We watch too much. Say an hour or two. We have been turning it off more and more and doing other things lately.

The girls at Stanwell Tops

Questions from Declutterbug versus Captain Stingypants

1. What is your favourite colour?


2. Best book you ever read?

The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck

3. What is your ‘houseworking’ music of choice?

Tool Aenima Album

4. Do you have a habit that others would consider weird and if so, what?

Don’t think so. Can’t think of one currently

5. Are you messy, or a neat freak?

Messy try to be tidy but it is messy especially with the kids

6. What is one word your friends would use to describe you?


7. When choosing a milkshake, what flavour do you always go for?


8. What is your favourite quote?

And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.
– Dr. Seuss

9. What is your favourite movie of all time?

I like so many, but one that is great is the Fifth Element.

10. What is your favourite Christmas tradition?

We wait until we are all awake and unwrap presents together before breakfast. Then we usually sit in our pj’s till late morning and get ready to go to my family for lunch.

11. Do you prefer wine or spirits?


Having a glass of Fairytale of the Barossa Rosé 2011 on Melbourne Cup Day.

Here are my nominations:

Muddled Up Mamma, Mommy Adventures, Tina Grey, Mish Mash Mamma, Mum in the South, and Fast Lane Dad.

Here are my 11 questions to the above nominees.

  1. Why are you blogging?
  2. How are you growing your blog?
  3. Have you managed to earn any money from your blog yet? If so what were your techniques to do so?
  4. How do you organise your household to allow for me time? I find this difficult and I only have two kids.
  5. Where would you live if money was no problem and what type of house?
  6. Where would you go on your next holiday?
  7. What is the best holiday you enjoy, Easter, Christmas or something else?
  8. Do you enjoy school holidays or does it get annoying after a while. If so what are your tips to make it more enjoyable?
  9. How do you fit in working as a parent of small children? Let us know your secrets.
  10. How has blogging changed your life and world?
  11. Do you have any tips for the new blogger? Any advice is greatly wanted and needed.

Thanks everyone for nominating me and I hope to see some lovely answers for the above questions from the great bloggers I have nominated.

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