Liebster Award Tag!

Posted on the 23 December 2012 by Omfgwinnie @omfgwinnie
Hello! So, this post is about the award called the 'Liebster award' that I hadn't even heard of before until the lovely Chloe from underestimatethegirl tagged me.. and here I am.. completing it!  "The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 300 followers and the rules of the award is that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find some blogs that they want to follow." I'll first start of with the 11 facts about me:1) I am one of the VERY few who absolutely hates cookie dough ice-cream2) I've once dip dyed my hair maroon, which obviously didn't show up as well with me having black hair3) My favorite books are the Hunger games trilogy, I've read them atleast 3 times each!4) I hate theme parks and any other fun fair related places5) I have one 9 year old brother6) I have a pond full of goldfish but they're boring 7) I hate hot drinks8) I don't like wearing any jewellery9) My favorite genre of books are murder mystery and sci-fi10) My first ever album I've received is Girls Aloud11) I have never seen 500 Days of Summer or The Notebook Here are the questions I've answered from Chloe:When did you first start blogging and why?I started blogging only a month ago so I'm still a 'newbie' and I've been gaining followers slowly since then! I do appreciate everyone who follows me and is taking the time to read about my life.What is the one beauty/hair care item you couldn’t live without?Eyeliner and batiste dry shampooWhat is your favorite ever song?I don't have a favorite song but the ones I can't pick between and brings back the most memories are, Dog days are over by Florence and the Machine and Teardrops on my guitar by Taylor Swift.What is your most embarrassing fashion mishap? (90’s double denim etc?)A darkish green baseball jacket, I even remember wearing it on a non-uniform day at school... WHAT was I thinking!?Do you prefer outfit or beauty posts?I like beauty posts more as I'm always fascinated at what people buy and with just outfit posts, you'll either love their choice of style or hate it.What is your least and most favorite thing about your looks?I don't really know.. Oops sorry!You have £5 to cheer yourself up on a bad day, what would you buy? (not food/drink)Definitely a Lush bath bomb, they smell so lovely and so fun to watch whilst it fizzes away in the bath.Describe your perfect day:Going into town and just having a successful day of shopping with no stress and to top it all off, with a Starbucks.What do you think of the massively popular trends like the Topshop “Geek” tshirts?Overrated What is the next holiday you’re going on?I don't have a holiday planned unfortunately :-(Which is your favorite blog to read, and why? I don't have a favorite yet as I'm still new to blogging so I haven't really looked for any blogs that I ridiculously like but I'd have to say fleurdeforce is my favorite. Now, here are my questions for you people who have been tagged!1) What is your most embarassing moment?2) What do you regret doing?3) If you could go back in time, which specific moment would you return to?4) Worst shop you've ever visited?5) Favourite chocolate from the Celebrations box?6) Worst thing a person could ever say to you?7) Favourite scent?8) What are you most scared of?9) What annoys you the most?10) Describe your 'applying lipstick routine'11) Item of clothing that you absolutely hate? I'm tagging:Lola from polkadotsnwStella from stellashekLucy from fineandbambiOlivia from olivialikesfashionCatty from diveintotheunknownErinn from discountbeauty101Miranda and Mackenzie from prettysquaredSajal from sajalsblogShezrey from useriousshezAlessia from whispersfromangelsJasmine from ohso-flawless I can't wait to read your responses, Please leave a link to your post in the comments box!
P.s I haven't actually checked whether the people I have tagged has under 300 followers so I'm sorry if I've tagged you and you have over 300 followers!