Diaries Magazine
Liebstered Again
Posted on the 24 February 2013 by C. SureshI am a glutton for awards and every time I get some kind soul awarding me something, it gives me a rush. Of course, a part of it is because it happens so infrequently but a bigger part is the warm feeling that it gives you to realize that, somewhere in the world, there is someone who actually likes something of you. This time there are two lovely people – Ash and Menachery – who have awarded me the Liebster. The Liebster is one award that gives me mixed feelings. Of course there is the aforesaid warmth of getting the award but the fact that it is given to people with less than 200 followers makes it seem less like an award and more like a consolation. In the initial days of blogging you do not expect to have followers anyway but as you age as a blogger and still fail in getting followers the shoe does start to pinch. I have a sneaking feeling that in my dotage with my hands trembling with Parkinsons and with inch-thick glasses I shall be peering at my blog and still be seeing the 100 odd followers I have now – if I have not lost all of them by then – and then eagerly await to be consoled by the Liebster. What is worse is finding 11 people to give the award to – and all of them need to have less than 200 followers. You go a-hunting for them and find that all the people you know have been veritable Pied Pipers with half the population following them. You blow a couple more feeble notes on your pipe and look around piteously for a following – only to find that the few who have joined your train out of pity are looking around for a convenient way to disappear without hurting you too badly. I have to apologize for not picking those 11 bloggers to pass on the award. It has been more than a week and my hunt for awardees has netted me a lot of people who made me envy their followers and a lot of others who have just put up their acceptance posts for the Liebster that someone else has awarded them. Being the obsessive kind, I find myself unable to get going on anything else till I complete this post – thus I am putting up the post without completing all the formalities. I am supposed to put up 11 facts about myself. I can only redirect people to the series of posts here, where they will find enough facts about me to make them feel that sourness rise in their gullets whenever they even spot my gravatar for the next month. Now I shall get to answering the 2 x 11 questions that I have been asked. First Menachery’s questions: 1. What is the craziest thing you have done to increase your Blog followers? What have I not done? The problem is that none of them succeeded or I would not have been awarded the Liebster and would not be answering this question! 2. What is the best story/poem/post you have written so far? Looks to me like it is a toss-up between ‘Yesterdays and Tomorrows’ and ‘The Gates of Hell’ as far as stories are concerned. The most popular, however, seems to be “TheSilent World’. 3. Who is your favorite follower? You must be the person who asked the newbie heroine who her favorite hero was! I’ll give the same answer – all the followers who I have and who I will have are my favorite followers! 4. One comment on your Blog that made you Rofl Hmm! There was this one comment that I deleted. It was on my post for the Sunsilk contest – ‘Straighten up or die’. The contest asked for crazy ideas to straighten hair and, on my post, one of that vast tribe of ‘Anonymous’ commented that it was a lame post and I ought to have written about what I actually did to straighten my hair in the days I had hair. What made it funny was that this ‘lame’ post went on to win one of the runners-up awards! That is when I ROFLed! 5. Do you feel a compulsive need to keep updating your Blog? Well! I am compulsively lazy – so I actually have to compel myself to update my blog periodically! 6. Funniest Post you ever read I normally find almost all of Debajyoti’s posts or Rickie’s posts very funny. Too difficult for me to pick one! (Among the other things that happens when I read their posts is that I find it funny that I think of my posts as funny!) 7. Do you feel that certain comments are just to patronize you, or rather to get you to comment on their post. How do you deal with it. Raw nerve, there! I actually put up an entire post – On Criticism on Blogs – on just this topic. Nowadays I find that deleting is easier on my nerves. 8. If you had a magic lamp, what would you wish for , on your Blog Only one wish? I make very modest demands – how about my blog becoming the No.1 destination in the world for Internet readers? 9. What is/was your dream profession? I am living my dream – I always wanted to be retired and, now, I am! 10. If you had to snuggle up all by yourself, with a book, which one would it be, and why. The complete collection of P.G. Wodehouse’s stories, I suppose. I like laughing! 11. If you had to publish your Blog,, what would you name the book? I think I have a nice enough name for my blog to suit the book – Life is like this! You can write anything in the book and if someone asks you how it suits the book, you can put on an injured expression and say, “But Life is also like this”
Now Ash’s questions 1.Which is your favorite book and why ? Asked and answered – P.G.Wodehouse’s complete collection. Makes me laugh and I like laughing.
2.What is the one thing you would rescue from your burning house, assuming no one is inside ?
I am Libran! By the time I decide what is best to save I’d probably burn along with the house and all my possessions. 3.Which is the most discomforting movie you have seen ? I watch movies on TV. With remote in hand it is unlikely I stay on the channel long enough for any movie to discomfort me! I like my comfort! 4.What is the one social issue you can take out time for ? Hmm! To be entirely truthful, I do not think anything will get me out of my home. I can always write posts or Like social causes! 5.Are you happy more when you are writing or when you view your finished work ? I actually like the thinking process when I nearly completely plan out what I will write. After that it seems so much like work that I keep postponing the actual writing. 6.Why do you blog ? Good question! (That’s what teachers say to students when they do not know the answer!) I suppose it is because I have the fallacious notion that I can write I suppose! 7.If you had taken a different fork in life, what would you have been ? Still what I am – retired - from a different profession, maybe! 8.Which is that one experience you wish to have before you die ? Do I really have to – die, I mean! Is there no Presidential pardon or something? Mmm! Maybe see my book in the best-sellers list once at least. I keep telling people that I am a man of modest ambitions. 9.Are you more comfortable in the company of others or being alone ? You know what – it all depends! When I am alone I think I am comfortable in the company of others and when I am in company I think I love being alone. When I am drunk, I love wherever I am! 10.Which do you think is the biggest malady plaguing the nation now ? The selfish act and do not talk; the unselfish talk and do not act! 11.Why would you attend a bloggers meet or would you rather not? I love blogger meets – when it gives me time to interact with other bloggers. Bloggers are people too you know and people are fun to be with! I apologize once again for not passing on the awards. I find that I am becoming more and more averse to work the longer I stay retired and it is, indeed, a lot of work to sift through bloggers and pick 11. I know Ash and Menachery have done just that and I respect them for it but I cry mercy!