Here I come again bearing another couple of Liebsters. I may not have become Awesome to anyone yet, I may be versatile to a few and even creative to some but, really, almost all the people who know and love me consider me worthy of a Liebster. I am seriously running out of mantelpiece space to stock all of them. It humbles me, however, that people who have known me for just about a year and only though my blog remember me when they have awards to hand around.
This time, the first one to award me is Rio De La Sciocco who I knew under a different name earlier. The key thing for me with him is the fact that he was the first person to host a guest post by me. What is more, he hosted my piece called "How to stay a bachelor" in his blog If that was not courage I would like to know what is?
The second one to award me is Apala Sengupta whom I had interacted with on the chat facility of Indiblogger. Now, Apala is more the poetic type and I, as anyone can tell you, am the last to claim any talent in either writing or reading poetry. So, it was such a surprise when she awarded me the Liebster as well.
As usual, I will skip those questionnaires about myself. Enough has been said about me by myself in I am Versatile, Versatile Again, Tagged as well as And now the Liebster that even as narcissistic a person as I am must needs confess to satiety. If there be any such person among my readers who does not actually gag at the thought of hearing me mouthing about myself they are invited to test their fortitude in one of those posts.
And, now for those questions.
Rio De La Sciocco’s 11 Questions. Blame him for asking for
single word answers. Have not quite managed it but then even getting this close
is an achievement for a verbose character like me.
Favorite dish
: Bisibelebath
Best friend : Books
Best enemy : Laziness
Best blog : Mine (Of course! Who
said I was modest?)
Worst blog : Did he really expect
anyone to answer this?
Best politician :
Worst politician: Redundancy?
Best hotel : None (I like home
Worst hotel : All (Since I like
home best)
Best book : Fiction
Worst book : Texts
Apala Sengupta’s 11 questions.
If you could go on a date with anyone on this earth, who
would it be? Why?
Anyone who will pay for it and not mind either my dress or
my table manners. Of course, pick-up and drop included – and, quite possibly,
carrying me back to bed and decanting me into it.
Finish the two statements - Girls are ________. Boys are ________.
Girls are mysteries. Boys are not detectives
Fiction or Non-Fiction? Why?
Fiction, obviously! Non-fiction demands two things I do not
possess – Brains and diligence.
Are you happy with the person you have become or would you
like to change something given a chance?
I am quite fine with who I am. Been a while since I had this
urge to change only to find that, after changing, I was still unhappy.
Do you believe in luck or hard work?
Put it this way – I would love good things to happen by luck
to me because I hate hard work. On a mere conceptual plane, excepting
exceptions, I have always found that it requires both to be successful. You
need to believe in hard work but it also requires luck to succeed.
Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a
Yes! I am undemanding and that is exactly what I want in a
Rank in order or priority in your life - love, money,
honesty, self-respect
Honesty, Self-respect, love and money. There is no
self-respect without honesty; a dishonest man is unworthy of love and incapable
of loving. As for money, I must say that it is thanks to the fact that I am not
starving that I put that last. After your needs are satisfied, money is a sheer
irrelevancy – and by needs I mean what you cannot survive without and not that
pressing need to fly in your own aircraft escorted by a bevy of beautiful
An easy tip to win your heart.
Be open and direct. I have only a modicum of brains and,
thus, hints and indirect messages escape me but leave me feeling uncomfortable.
Your idea of a perfect day.
Any of those days on the mountains while I am on trek.
If one morning you wake up to find you are not allowed to
blog anymore, how would you feel/react?
Probably go back to doing what I was doing about a year
back. I am not too much of a person to carry regrets.
Any suggestion for my blog.
Keep blogging.
I must apologize for the inability to pass on the Liebster. Laziness and the fact that almost everyone I know has already got one and won't thank me for getting another should suffice for an excuse.