
Posted on the 11 November 2013 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
A guest post by  sonnika kapoor , a  friend of mine  who shared some wonderful thought with me and I thought of sharing them with you all

Sometimes I think that it is time we shrink our world to the old ways.It was so plain,simple,and natural then.Love meant words and action alike.The love for brother,sister,mother,father,child and friends was came from the heart.What we name it as sacrifice now was just a way to show love never was understood as doing something was just understood as being loved.It was effortless.We played and laughed and it was hearty.we enjoyed it.laughter was never a cautious outcome with regards to the surrounding.You really laughed.woman dressed for her came home yearning to see her.Children really waited for the father to return.So he could take them out.The wait was honest and the yearning lasted through day to dusk.Time was not on a wall as a reminder to turn schedules 

around.Time was for each one of us.To live.To live every moment in all its originality with all that we had for what it meant.The aroma from the kitchen gave us the Hunger pangs! We were really Hungry then. The food we relished.It tasted good everyday.No stickers on nutrition hung on the refrigerators.everybody ate the same Meal.How we waited for Sundays.It felt like a Sunday Sun rising in the morning.The Sunday Morning Air smelt different.It had a different excitement loaded with Fun n frolicking for the whole day.Everybody in the family stayed mum salon or dads day with friends children were out gaming at friends .Everybody stuck together.after all it was day after the whole week to find time together.We'd pack up for a picnic or a day of fun n sports with father n his friends.Their children are still my friends.I am sure they know what it meant.I guess Beer must be better then,because everybody who drank rocked the chair under the shade with his feet up and laughed.I saw that and i want to feel it now. 
 How difficult it seems now to get everybody together like that.Its no fun to be home on Sunday is anymore.its no fun we eat too much everywhere.I think we don't even know love.How to love and be loved .we don't know whether we are loved or are we being loved back.This whole life has drifted like a leaves off its bark.The twigs I wonder where stay drifted.But like each traveler one day returns home.I feel we all will.For how long can one travel without the shade of love we call home. We are missing so much.We must want it all back.