Life Changes

Posted on the 05 April 2015 by Lisaloo2 @lisa_teamtracy

This post has been a long time coming. A lot has changed in my life. Most of it for the good.  A year ago this month I took a serious look at my life. My living situation sucked. My finances sucked. So I decided to make some changes. I traded in my way to expensive car for my cute little Nissan Versa. I absolutely love it and the payment, which is half the price of my other car.

I also decided that I need to do something about my living situation. My room mate had become impossible to live with. I was paying for most everything in the house. I was accused of not paying bills and hoarding money. And….I was told that I’m arrogant because I go to church, believe in the bible and Jesus Christ, cool huh.  I couldn’t go anywhere without her tagging along and if I did she would have a fit. So after doing some looking around, prayer and help from my parents I decided to buy my first home. A cute little park model mobile home. I absolutely love it. For one thing it’s all mine. I can do what I want. When I want without the Spanish Inquisition. I signed the papers and got the keys on a Wednesday and started moving. Thanks to a lot of help from my mom I got moved in 2 and a half days. To say that I wanted out is an understatement.  Mom and I have done some minor home improvement. I painted the kitchen and living room. Replaced the drapes and put up blinds in all the window. And recently I built a cute little flowerbed out front.

One of the best changes in my life is my church. Around this time last year we, my parents and I, left the church we had been attending, due to unfortunate circumstances. You know everything happens according to God’s plan and His will.  So we tried another church, fell in love with it and haven’t left. After attending for a month or 2 we joined and became members. I am involved in an awesome, yet very…..loud, bible study group. We’re an awesome group of people. And possibly a little bit insane. I’m just saying… :-D

So I have to say that, for the first time in my life, I am happy, content,and at peace.