4.5.20 - 10.4.20
A new week and a new mop!Monday I felt back to my productive self again, hooray! I'd made a list the night before of things I wanted to get done this week and I think that gave me the jump start I needed. I started the morning giving the car a well overdue clean and hoover. Although I couldn't get rid of some of the dog hairs off the back seats, the rest looks much tidier than it originally was.
I then gave my room a hoover, I tried on my new clothing delivery from Monki, sorted out what I was sending back, went for a drive along the coast, then drove to the shops to grab some essentials for my Gran and then came home, where I found a box of hair dye that I bought before Christmas which I never got around to using and on a whim decided to dye my hair dark brown. Jumping on the bandwagon, I know! However, the image on the box looked much lighter than what the end result was! It looked almost jet black! I was super self conscious at first at how dark it was against my already pale complexion and tried to wash some of it out to no avail so decided to just embrace the dark side, mwahaha. Telling myself it will look less drastic once I properly style it and whilst wearing makeup. I then put some false tan on to my skin to give it some warmth against the dark locks. The rest of the evening I didn't do a great deal. I made some farfalle pasta in a gorgonzola cheese sauce for dinner, which tasted delicious - if I do say so myself! Then wound down for the night by catching up on Youtube videos.
Another Tuesday video call with my work colleagues for an update, followed by a separate call with my work wives for a general catch up on life. I then rang my friend Becky and we played some fun Disney quizzes and had a laugh discovering what the number one hits were on both our birthdays and our family's and friend's birthdays via mybirthdayhits.
Wednesday morning I was designated taxi for my Mam who needed a lift to and from work. The afternoon was spent in the garden listening to music on Spotify while playing on my Nintendo Switch*. The evening was spent having a takeaway from Domino's and finishing off watching Firefly with Becky and Kyle on Discord, then we watched the spin off film, Serenity.

I woke up early on Thursday for the first time in about a week and started the day watching some episodes of Glee. At lunch time I drove to run some errands and then went for my daily walk along the coast road, where I took in the views from the clifftops of Marsden Bay and saw the Souter Lighthouse. That evening I finally finished Season 4 of Glee and began watching Season 5. It was also a full moon that night so I dug out my Canon 55-250mm camera lens* to snap some photographs. Whilst I was doing so, I noticed the foxes in our garden having a little run around too. They're so fascinating to watch.
Friday was a pretty uneventful one. After being up late the night before, I treated myself to not setting an alarm, so I woke up later than I usually would. I then ran a few errands for my Gran and my Mam and did a small shop, where they did a 2 minute silence for VE Day. On my way home I noticed a few banners and bunting outside people's homes to celebrate the occasion. The afternoon I finally got around to updating the banner on my Youtube channel and spent the rest of the evening filling the gap that would have been Friday Night Dinner, by finally editing the video footage I've took whilst I've been on lockdown and uploaded them to my Youtube channel. I have finally started to get myself feeling productive again, hooray!
Saturday was a scorching hot day so I spent a good portion of it sat out in the garden, music on, playing my Switch and catching some rays. I think I've actually caught the sun a little bit on my fair, freckled skin. The late afternoon a few of the girls and I jumped on FaceTime to have a weekly catch up. We missed out last weekend so it was great to see them and hear what they had been up to. The rest of the night I was speaking to friends online and catching up on my Youtube watch later list.

And finally, Sunday (Today) has been a lazy day. Especially with it being so cloudy too. I spent the morning finishing off watching the Youtube videos on my watch later list. I then tried that life hack I've seen whilst on lockdown of using a razor to de-bobble clothes and I'm so impressed with the result! It's weirdly so satisfying to do. I just stuck a podcast on in the background and off I went. I then jumped on a video call with my friends and old work colleagues on Zoom before watching the latest lockdown news from Boris Johnson. Afterwards I rang my Gran for a quick chat, tidied my room and edited some thumbnails for my upcoming Youtube videos.
I'm pretty pleased with how this week has gone. I feel like its been a good mix of relaxing, productive and sociable. Although I'm slightly apprehensive of what this week may have in store for us now that there's talks of new measures being implemented and the lifting of others. Let's hope whatever happens next will be a positive move.
Thanks for reading & Stay safe! <3 Instagram | Youtube | Bloglovin | Twitter
Further Reading:
Life In Lockdown: Week 6
Life In Lockdown: Week 5
Life In Lockdown: Week 4
Life In Lockdown: Week 3
Life In Lockdown: Week 2
Life In Lockdown: Week 1
*This post contains affiliate links