Life is Wild

Posted on the 09 May 2013 by Leah-Jlynn @Leah_Jamielynn

Photo edit @Vintique , Filter:Calm

   Good day everyone! It’s the month of May. The  flowers  of this month, is a delightful sign, that spring is here, and that summer is on it’s way. I, personally love Spring.

It  feels more, like  the earth is united with it’s self , upon, waking up from a blissful sleep. Where, it had peaceful, and at times restless dreams. Where, it dreamt of bringing it’s excitement into yearning  and aching world.

It, brings this excitement through the seeds of it’s dreams.  Seeds  that can’t wait to rise and shine to greet the day . For, it is during this time. Where,  dreams that were hibernating  come alive. Bringing froth vivid flowers of pure joy.To be, shared among every person. Regardless, of beliefs, sex, sexual orientation and race.

Filter: Vivid By: Vintique app

Imaging this makes me, look at a bunch of wild flowers, and have a a tiny celebration. Because, I believe that good dreams may come true. Hallelujah and Amen :)


I had some time and thought I’d Join my Intsagram Lovely  : Leah Piken Kolidas .  She, happens to be a amazing artist. Who, likes to promote others to be creative. She has set up a sight for others to connect and display their creative side. Where, she gives an optional prompt each month to work on. This month’s is:  May  flowers. If you like to join, follow this link: creative every day 2013 . See, you there. Please everyone have a blessed day