Life Lately

Posted on the 21 January 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
We are a little over the half way point of the first month of the new year. Aren't we suppose to be full of motivation and excitement for the new year? I wish I could say that for me I have been motivated, but it has been far from it. I have been in rut lately of coming home after working and doing nothing. I have done the bare minimum on my blog and with my sponsors which is embarrassing to say but it's the truth. I thought I would be in this blogging mood. I have a bunch of posts in the draft, but I have ZERO motivation to write them.  I wake up and get ready then go to work. After work I pick up the hubs then go home. We make dinner as a couple then I just sit in front of the tv. I haven't even been wanting to knit or crochet lately. Who I am?  I signed up to a devotional with Jennifer Smith from Unveiled Wife and I haven't been done it everyday. I haven't even it my all lately. I feel really bad because this is something that I really wanted to do.  I don't know why but I have been feeling really down and not just feeling myself lately. I have been playing a horrible game of comparisons with other people and other bloggers. I keep telling myself to keep my eyes on my own page, and that there are a lot of really good thing going on in my life. But that doesn't stop me from thinking maybe we should start having kids? Why haven't we started?  This past weekend I was sick and it was a good opportunity to escape from reality. Unfortunately I was sick and is wasn't a choice, but I hope that shake this negativity and get back to my normal self.