I took a planned but unplanned blogging break. At first I knew I needed to get away because I was starting to post because I had a self-imposed rule that I need to blog 4-5 times a day. Now it's a little too much. I'm thinking 3 times a week will be good. Plus I want to read, talk, and connect with my blogging friends. I want to promote them and not be so self-absorbed.
Also I didn't feel like I was living. I was consumed with my blog. I would work come home and blog. I felt like I was missing something. I wasn't living which is really soemthing missing in my life. After a few days it was nice to just chil with my hubs and pup. To be honest, ya'll didn't miss anything we just laid in bed and watched movies and baseball. (We don't have cable right now because it doesn't seem like a priority.)
During my blogging break, I began to re-think everything about blogging. I had been thinking about changing the name of blog in the past few months. I couldn't find anything that I LOVED enough to want to change my whole life. (Not really that extravagent but we can pretend, right.) It wasn't until recently that I really REALLY started to hate Life of A Sports Wife. (LOASW) I can't really explain it but really wanted to distant myself from it. I will always be married to a guy who loves sports esp baseball, and I will always love sports. But I really feel like there is more to my life than sports. I want to write about DIY crafts, fitness, my store, encouraging things about marriage and relationship. I don't know what I want to write but I don't feel like I have openness to write about all that on LOASW.
I have thought about making it a couple blogger with my husband, but I don't think he was on it as much as I was. Plus he life is consumed with baseball. He said he may not always have the creativity to blog but if I give him a topic and open the computer he'll blog. I have talked with a few of my favorite couple bloggers and didn't think it woudl be a good idea. Sorry sweetie! Plus he is thinking about writing his own blog! That will be post for another day!
I'm sure that this will be another post, but I was ready for a change. I had talked with several other bloggers and felt like it was time. I don't know why I wanted a change but it needed to be done. So that's about it in my life.
Thank you to everyone for sticking around!!