Life Lately

Posted on the 02 June 2014 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

Life around here seems to have been a bit chaotic in the past month! Since my trip to the Lower Mainland and the Sunshine Coast, the month of May flew by. How is it already June? I don’t even know. Anyway, we’ve been keeping ourselves pretty busy these days. With Kyle’s awesome Monday-Thursday work schedule, we’ve been packing our weekends with plans, and May was no exception.

Two weekends ago, Kyle had grand plans with the boys for a bachelor party. He’s one of the groomsmen in the wedding party (for the same wedding in which I’m a bridesmaid and Isla’s a flower girl), and the guys all went paintballing for the day, and then rented a townhouse at the local ski hill for the weekend. I’m not going to lie, I’m a little jealous that they went paintballing because I find it to be a lot of fun. Kyle even joked to the guys that I probably would have enjoyed the bachelor party more than I will enjoy the bachelorette party in July. (He may be right, we’ll see. That’s a whole different blog post, right there.)

Since Kyle wasn’t home, I hung out with my mom on Saturday. We hit up the Farmer’s Market, which wasn’t too exciting since it was just a lot of bedding plants; I much prefer the market further into the summer when there’s amazing fresh produce! I did get some ideas for a bridal shower gift, so that was a plus. We eventually grabbed some lunch and by the time we were done it was time for Isla to have a nap! When she woke up, we drove down to my mom’s for dinner and my grandpa ended up being in town as well, so he and his girlfriend joined us. After dinner, Isla and I went home, she went to bed, and I watched a movie On Demand – American Hustle! It was good, but maybe not as good as I thought it was going to be.

Saturday Farmer’s Market

This past weekend was a crazy whirlwind, to say the least. On Friday we loaded into the truck to head up to William’s Lake to visit Kyle’s sister and our new nephew! Really, it was a long overdue trip to begin with since we’ve been meaning to visit her since she bought a house two(?) years ago, but babies just seem to make everything happen! We left Kamloops around 10 a.m. and after a stop for lunch (which takes longer these days because Isla is a slow and distracted eater), we finally got there around 2 p.m.

Little Logan was born on May 15 and weighed 6lbs, 10oz, and he was 20.5″ long – such a tiny little string bean! Isla loved holding him, and even demanded to have him back on her lap when I picked him up to adjust his positioning. (“NOOO! I DO IT!!!”) Eventually I got him back – I think one of the cats caught Isla’s attention – and then I got peed on – Fun! Actually, it was payback I’m pretty sure, because Isla pooped on Kyle’s sister when she first met her.

We headed home around 5 p.m. and didn’t get home until 8:30. Isla managed to have a short nap on the way home, but being in the truck for 6 hours in one day was way too much for her and she was getting pretty cranky by the time we were home. After a quick bath and a story, it was bedtime, because we had another day of traveling on Saturday!

Our good friends welcomed their baby boy, Oliver, on Wednesday. Since we already had plans to go visit them on Saturday, we ended up meeting the baby as well! Luckily, this drive was only an hour long and Isla handled it much better. Plus, she got to play with her friends the whole time we were there, which she absolutely loved.

Let me tell you, all these babies have been making my uterus yearn in a bad, bad way. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – trying for your second baby is a lot more frustrating and stressful than trying for your first. You have it in your head that you think you know all the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy, so you get anxious over every little cramp, queasy feeling, and desire for a nap. I know I just need to stop stressing out over it and remember that Baby #2 will happen eventually.

ANYWAYS – We got home Saturday around 3ish and worked on the yard a little bit (our lawn was a forest), and then ate dinner and turned in early for the night. Sunday was laid back with nothing but grocery shopping and relaxing at home – very muchly needed!

Of course, this week consists of mine and Kyle’s 3-year wedding anniversary on Wednesday, so I’m sure we’ll be doing something to celebrate on the weekend. Then next weekend is my grad reunion and Father’s Day, the weekend after that I have a bridal shower to attend, and the weekend after THAT is Isla’s 2nd birthday, and the start of Kyle’s holidays. WHAT THE HELL, LIFE? SLOOOOW DOWWWWNN!

How was your weekend? Do you tend to jam your summer full of plans on your days off?