Life Lately....

Posted on the 30 July 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

What I've Been Watching.... This past month I've been spending more time than ever just watching YouTube vlogs than anything else! I am now utterly addicted to the likes of The Shaytards, Ellie & Jared, The Daily Bumps and pretty much any American family vloggers!
I do love a bit of UK comedy with the likes of ThatcherJoe too.....I had been enjoying watching Sprinkle Of Glitter but I experienced a very embarrassing moment on our recent trip to Peppa Pig World where a group of 10 year olds actually mistook me for her!
I realize that I have the same dip dyed pink hair, but to be fair....mine is a much darker pink and I look naff all like her! (I wish!) .... I did have sunglasses on and a small blonde baby in my arms and my partner pointing my vlog camera at me while this happened, but the whole experience left me a bit embarrassed (They were shouting "Louise!" at me while the woman in the queue next to me was asking if they thought I was someone famous, and I had to explain to her what YouTube is.....) and I simply can't watch her anymore because immediately makes me want to change my hairstyle!!!
Aside from YouTube videos, I have been loving the return of Long Lost Family.....I love sitting down to have a good sob when it's on, but they're happy tears!
And I did manage to watch the Tulisa: The Price Of Fame documentary last night which I found quite interesting....I've never been a fan of hers but I did feel a bit sorry for her. Did anybody see it? What I've Been Reading.... I don't seem to get much time to read anything lately, the most I've managed is some of my usual blogging favourites.
I have been browsing Park Resorts blog though, particularly this post on their Picks Of The North East's best beaches as we've been thinking about taking a little trip there before Summer is out to visit Jon's brother and friends. I've never been to the North East before so I'm not sure where to start destination wise! Any suggestions?! What We've Been Doing.... The past month has been very busy indeed! We've had our weekend away in Peppa Pig World, our day trip to London for my This Morning interview, and just re-cooperating from how busy June was has really taken it out of us!
We've had some lovely days out though....We went to the Tiverton Balloon Festival a couple of weeks ago, which was lovely....Tyne got very excited at being so close to the Hot Air Balloons!
We also had a day at Teignmouth seaside last weekend, a day at Exmouth beach last week and a trip to Torbay Carnival this weekend which was lovely as the weather was really nice.
What We've Got Planned....
This week we'll be heading back to Torbay Carnival a couple of times, as they have a Carnival Procession tomorrow and a Firworks finale at the weekend which will be lovely to see.
It's Jons birthday next Sunday, so I`m busy trying to organize gifts and plan what to do on the day for that.
The following weekend is my nephew Kier's Christening, so we're heading back to Liverpool for that and staying for a visit too....I need to get my thinking cap on as I haven't even decided on a Christening gift for him yet!
I've also decided to take part in my first ever Daily Vlog challenge - I'll be joining in with Vlogust! - basically vlogging every day in August! It should certainly be interesting trying to film and upload every day while we're in Liverpool as I'll be doing it all from my Ipad, but fingers crossed it goes ok!
I don't get many views at all on my YouTube videos but I love making them anyway as Tyne loves watching them back, and I think the memories they capture for us as a family are priceless!
If you'd like to have a look at our channel, please click HERE
So that's our Life Lately! How's Life been treating you?!
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