Life- So Full of You, Yet So Empty!!

Posted on the 26 April 2014 by Harithapk @Hpk_thotzzz


The surroundings remain same except for the house I grew up.Her clothes still rest in the same closet; only lying unused now.Some pages still has her writings, yet other sheets will always be incomplete.Everything is so full of you yet so very empty!
All I have are her memories,The same ones which I live time and again,What if this too will?Eventually fade away!
It is bothersome to identify how very helpless one is,How much ever we dislike, life hits abyss.Finally we have to watch them go,And will cherish their memories is all one can vow.
The memory that with time, will eventually fade,A promise, that one will unintentionally betray.Our memories live with us despite their absence.And life will be always full of them, yet so very empty!
P.S: It was my Mom's birthday yesterday and just like the past 10 years this year too continues without her around.. 
Happy B'day Mom,HPK!!!