Diaries Magazine

LinkedIn is Full of Bad News #FixThePlus

Posted on the 02 April 2016 by Ravenswingthog @ravenswingthog
LinkedIn is full of bad news #FixThePlus Oh no! My rank for profile views moved down by 12% in the past 12 days!
Well, I had great fun with the little April Fools "Travelling Tablet Project" for my 500th post - it seems hard to believe that I've managed to churn out 500 of these over the years, but still I'm very happy.  I've also had the great news that I'm in line to become an adult education tutor, teaching social media on an evening and/or weekend, I had an interview on Thursday which I enjoyed immensely so being offered the job is wonderful!
Finally, you might note the #FixThePlus in the tagline - I've picked this up from Jeremy Crow and his blog about Google+, like Jeremy I use Google+ a huge amount, especially for my blogs and videos, and the Plus feature (where you click +1 on posts) hasn't been working for some time now, and it's one of the main ways that I identify which of my posts are more popular - blogging is something that I hope that I'm improving over time, and one of the ways I do this is by looking at my more popular posts to see what people liked about them.  So being without the +1s from people is really awkward.  So do read Jeremy's post, but in short I ask that any creators add #FixThePlus to their posts, and let's see if we can make a trend that will make Google notice.
Onwards and upwards!

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