Self Expression Magazine

Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese

Posted on the 18 September 2012 by Mk1005 @MetroMoneypit
Last Saturday I went somewhere for the first time. Somewhere pretty obvious but in all my years in SoCal I had somehow never visited. I went to the Los Angeles Zoo.
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
 I know? Right? How did I never get there before? Beats me. But I made it and it was all thanks to Tillamook Cheese. Right now they're in the middle of their Loaf Love Tour and Saturday their caravan was parked at the zoo.
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese

Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese

Can I put one of these on my Christmas list?

 Yup, the cheese company was at the zoo handing out samples and making folks smile. And good thing, too, because it was not the best day to be at the zoo. The temperature hovered in the triple digits most of the day making walking around in the sun less than ideal. But walk I did because this was my first trip to the zoo and I had to check it out! Here's what I found:
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Lions and Tigers and...Cheese? A Day At the LA Zoo With Tillamook Cheese
Some of those animals may not be real. And this is only a portion of what they have. The big stuff like the lions and tigers and elephants (thought I was going to say bears didn't you?) were towards the back and frankly I didn't make it that far. It was just too darn hot!
But I saw enough to know that the LA Zoo is a place I should have visited long ago. It's smaller than the behemoth that is the San Diego Zoo but still has a wide variety of animals. And with ticket prices at only $17 for adults it's a pretty good deal, too!
Oh, and if the words Tillamook Cheese are making you hungry the Loaf Love Tour will be traveling all over SoCal through the end of October. Check here to find if they'll be in your area!
Los Angeles Zoo
5333 Zoo Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90027
open daily 10-5
full disclosure: I was provided with free zoo admission and a catered lunch courtesy of Tillamook Cheese. All opinions are my own. 

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