Okay, as far I know it’s just one, but the plural sounds so much creepier. Honestly though, as a species, we can barely handle one robot child right now. We destroyed @TayandYou, a Twitter bot designed by Microsoft and Bing to have automated conversations with other Twitter users, and learn by mimicking their language in less than a day.
That’s right it took less than 24 hours to turn poor, sweet, curious TayTweets into a racist, sexist, xenophobic jerk (that’s the clean version). We made it this way. It’s the hitchhiker bot all over again.
This is why we can’t have nice things, kids. True it was a small group of users who were purposefully egging on the adolescent A.I., but it’s not going to matter who started it when the robots take over.
So, I have just one thing to say to those few nasty, loud ones who think that teaching hate (even to a robot) is entertaining. We will be handing you over to our future robot overlords first. Be better.
…bi-daily smile…
And I think this goes double for children robots…