Listy Friday

Posted on the 18 January 2013 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

- Isla started swimming lessons this week and she LOVES THEM. Seriously – This kid was born to swim! I was so nervous that she wasn’t going to like it and it was going to be a disaster, but it went great and she loves kicking, splashing and “singing” songs. I’m so glad I got her signed up :) Kyle has one of her swim days off next week, so he’ll be coming to watch with the camera in tow :)

- In other swimming related news, there’s this little “bubble” pool where all the moms wait for their lessons to start. We were all chilling out waiting for our instructor and the woman sitting beside me with her son says to him, “Oh, are you hungry?” and just whips out her boob and starts nursing him. THEN his lessons had started so she just mosies on down to her group while still nursing him. I was a little flabbergasted. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not against public nursing, but the mom was so nonchalant about whipping her boob out. I’m so boob shy, so you’ll never catch me doing that. I like my privacy!

- Our guest bedroom is FINALLY back to a normal colour, 14 months later. It used to look like this:

Now it’s back to a nice, neutral beige-tan color. Yay! We just have to touch up the trim and it will be all done! I also think the bedding needs an update as well. Campbell ate the bedskirt, and the comforter is just a little dingy.

- My mom’s house sold, so now she’s going to be moving down to the “valley” area of Kamloops. I’m bummed that she’s no longer going to be a couple minutes away, but oh well. They move out on Feb. 15 and Kyle and I are “inheriting” Adirondak chairs, a fireplace and a beer fridge. Yay for stuff!

- I bought an avocado for Isla to try but she wasn’t so keen on it. Since I only mashed up 1/2 for her, I saved the other half for myself and put it on my green salad. I forgot how delicious avocado is on salad and I must, MUST go buy more :) Kyle thinks they’re gross, but he’s weird.

- I recently started playing Word With Friends again after a wee bit of a hiatus/forgetting it was on my phone. (Wanna play? I’m karakins14) Kyle and I are losers and play against each other while we sit next to each other on the couch. Also? We have a perfectly good Scrabble board in our hall closet. So, to encourage us to play real Scrabble more I bought us the Official Scrabble Dictionary off of His mom has one and it’s the best go-to dictionary for Scrabble, so I’m excited to have our own copy. Nerds, much?

- I’m pretty freakin’ boring these days. Womp womp.