Listy Friday

Posted on the 22 November 2013 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

- I found a crafty idea on Pinterest a while ago for a creative way to display graduation tassels – you know, those annoying things that flip all over the place on your graduation cap? Kyle and I both kept ours from our high school graduations and they’ve been sitting in a box for 10 years, and the pin I saw was simply finding those clear, Christmas ornament balls at the craft store and sticking them inside. Easy! Mine’s a sphere and Kyle’s is in a flatter circle (his “2003″ charm was slightly wider than mine). Boom!

- Also from Pinterest: I made salt-dough ornaments with Isla. I’m not going to post photos since we’re gifting them to her grandmas (Hey, there’s the off-chance that they stumble on the blog as see), but they turned out pretty good!

- I forgot to mention in my Vegas recap post that Callie and I wandered into a Tiffany & Co. shop in the Bellagio. (Or maybe it was Caesar’s?) Regardless. Oh. Em. Gee. That was a bad idea. So much gorgeousness. I will leave it at that. I’m sure there’s a reason why they very carefully hide the price tags.

- Our coffee maker died Saturday morning. We had a pretty intense wind storm, and the machine was in its auto-on format to make Kyle’s coffee for work. I guess the power surged a couple of times after it made Kyle’s coffee and wrecked the machine, because when I went to make my own coffee, the machine would start brewing. May I add, WORST DAY EVER? I couldn’t even get the old Tassimo machine going because the filter and junk needed to be descaled and it wouldn’t brew. Ugh. I managed to survive the morning with some tea and I grabbed some Starbucks after lunch. Then I went and bought a new machine from Canadian Tire that was on sale 1/2 price, and didn’t realize that it takes different filters than our old machine. DOUBLE UGH. But – the new machine comes with a built-in mesh filter, so we’re using that until I can go find new filters.

- Kyle and I had grand plans of putting up Christmas lights last Friday, but it got all snowy and rainy and gross, so we never did. Now it’s cold and awful out (yesterday it was about -18°C) and our lights still aren’t up. We have high hopes for today or tomorrow though, as it’s only supposed to get to be about -4 or -2°. Fingers crossed.

- I scored some awesome pre-sale seats for an upcoming comedian here in Kamloops in February. Brent Butt, who’s a fairly famous Canadian actor and comedian, will be here, and I got us tickets in the 2nd row. Go me! I’m super stoked about it, and tweeted it, and Brent Butt even responded to my tweet. I’m a little star struck, to be honest! ^_^

- I still have a few custom Christmas cards starring Isla left, so if you’d like a Christmas card from my family to yours, click through to my blog (if you’re reading this post in a reader) and there’s a form pinned to my homepage for you to fill out! I’m hoping to get the cards in the mail the first week of December :)