Little Girl’s Fantasy

Posted on the 15 July 2012 by Irene9583 @irene9583

Command them to do good,to be rich in good deeds,and to be generous and willing to share.— 1 Timothy 6:18
Thursday night I retreated from the world earlier than usual.I knew I needed to spend time with my little girl… alone.To rediscover her, nurture her, and challenge her.To encourage her to get out of her hiding place…And be out in the open…To see what is outside…And to be seen.
I was surprised that asking her to come out didn’t require much hard work…Unlike how it was in the past…Where she always came up with a variety of reasons for her to remain in her comfort zone…Those excuses.
But last Thursday was different…She felt she locked herself out from humanity for so long.It gave her an insatiable hunger to explore and try out new things.
At a point in her life she dreamed of performing onstage…Flocked by thousands of fans who long to hear her beautiful singing voice live.That night, I helped her make her dream become a reality.And there I watched her transition…
And that night, she became a rock star.:-)