Little Things.

Posted on the 29 January 2013 by Elleelizabeth @elleelizabethh
little things.usually, i blog on monday about the little things that got me through the weekend, however i couldn't pass up the opportunity of the chloe deal that's currently running on groupon. plus, my brain was still on weekend mode :) this past weekend was filled with a lot of great little things. jeremy and i finally starting sticking to actually getting out on the weekend and do something. it included dinner and drinks with friends at a brewery, followed by some bowling. let me add that i beat everyone in the last two games we played! sunday morning i enjoyed some coffee and a yummy bagel from tim horton's bakery while catching up on my magazines. the afternoon consisted of our nephew/godson's 2nd birthday party. i just love that little boy. he may not be fully talking just yet but with all "his talking" that he does, we will never be bored with him :) how was your weekend?!