Self Expression Magazine

Little Things

Posted on the 04 October 2013 by Monetm1218 @monetmoutrie

Simple shots of our life this past week. Tune back next week for a similar post! I’d also love to have you follow me on Instagram (@cakestand) if you’re interested in more photos of food and baby!


This necklace. A beautiful gift from a friend to commemorate Lucille’s birth. Antique french relic (from the 1800s!) on a necklace of fresh-water pearls.


Lucy loves her hands…and rarely stays on her back for long now. She’s perfected the art of rolling over.




We had a lovely dinner party with one of my best friends from my MFA program. Lucy looked lovely on their blue chair.


Lucy caught her first cold, but handled it like a champ. Breast milk down the nose = quick recovery. Seriously, guys: it works.


And as of Thursday at 1:50 pm, Lucille Amelia turned 100 days old.


These cookies are quickly becoming one of my most PINNED recipes. Do you follow me on pinterest? Maybe you should!


Anecdotes and Apple Cores

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