I know. I know.
I promised you a cake. With apples. Something naturally sweet and completely delicious.
But since I've been working/studying at a frenzied pace this week, my oven and my camera have been collecting dust (as well as a bunch of other inanimate objects in my house)
No worries, though.
This is so much better.
Yes, better than an apple cake.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Kate Thomas from Little Things Studio.
I met Kate at the Renegade Craft Fair in Austin last summer.
Not only was I floored by her work, but I was completely charmed by her presence.
This is what she says about herself on her website:
I started life over at 27. I was working in the corporate offices of a bank going nowhere. I left my job and went back to get my second undergraduate degree in Graphic Design at Mississippi State University. I had not taken an art class since I was eleven. I didn’t even know there were different weights of pencils.
I did this because life is too short to not spend it doing what you want to do. You only get one shot at it. I feel like I got my life back. I’ve never been happier.
As someone struggling to find a sense of purpose in this world, I so related to the journey Kate has traveled.
Her sweet southern grace plus her undeniable talent equals one woman worthy of some serious admiration.
Her work pairs lovely quotes with fantastic splashes of color and innovative patterns and designs.
I'm on my way to hosting one of her pieces in every room of my house.
Her prints are affordable, and they make great gifts for you, or your friends and family. I also believe in supporting people who are pursuing their creative dreams. I'm so thankful for all the people who have rallied behind me over the years (and will hopefully continue to do so!) and I'm hoping I can start passing it on to others who inspire me.
Here are links to Kate's work. I suggest you go visit her Etsy shop and buy a piece or two!
And something else awesome? She's starting to do commissions. Take a look below to see what she offers. I'm putting money in my piggy bank for one of these!
Anecdotes and Apple Cores