We were really excited to give them a go as bath time is Tyne's favorite time of day but, ever since he was tiny, he has been a little obsessed with splashing as much as possible - meaning that myself and the entire bathroom end up drenched! Lots of fun for him, not so fun for me!
I hoped that some new bath toys might distract him from his splash obsession!
We had a few bath toys already and he enjoys using bath crayons, but the Little Tikes toys are a lot more exciting! Tyne was intrigued as soon as he saw the boxes.
We were sent:

The Seaside Bath Band - £19.99
Suitable for ages 15 months - 3 years, this cute turtle attaches to the wall and acts as storage for the instruments in the set - which include a whale whistle, a blowfish maraca, starfish tambourine, clam castanets and the turtle itself which doubles up as a drum!

and Bathketball - £9.99
Suitable for ages 6 months - 3 years, this set includes a basketball net that attaches to the wall and 3 balls.

Tyne struggles a little at the moment with the Bathketball game as, being so young, his aim isn't great and he's a long way off shooting any hoops just yet! I do find the set slightly flawed in that the net is supposed to pull closed at the bottom to store the balls but never seems to actually hold them - however for the price of the set, I can't complain too much and certainly think its great value for money.
I would personally recommend this for slightly older children who are more capable of playing the game, and of understanding instructions as Tyne often tries to stand up to retrieve the balls which can be dangerous in the bath - obviously an older child would understand not to do this.

The seaside bath band was definitely the biggest hit with Tyne - there is plenty there to keep him interested, and he particularly enjoys the starfish tambourine and whale whistle - he likes to play with them as toys as well as use them as musical instruments.
He loves the little faces on all of the instruments, and enjoys packing the instruments back in to the turtle at the end of bath time - this is slightly more expensive but I personally think you get a lot more out of it, and I can see it being a toy that is used and enjoyed for a long time.
We filmed a little video showing Tyne having a play with his bath toys so you can see them in action for yourself!
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