Little Travel Bug #BookReview

Posted on the 27 January 2019 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Travel broadens the mind-there's no doubt about it. As a child of the '60s, I was fortunate to enjoy summer holidays that were earmarked for travel. The planning would begin months in advance, itineraries drawn around events we had to attend-marriages invariably took place during these months to facilitate maximum attendance. We'd travel in large groups that included children in various age-groups and this meant getting concession forms signed by the school before train tickets were booked. Yes, train tickets. We didn't do air travel then. It wasn't even considered.

I am glad. I wouldn't have missed the joy of those sometimes 2-3-day-long train journeys, gazing through the windows, watching fields and other landscapes pass by, sometimes fantasizing about stories. And the food. Oh! Preparations would begin days before we traveled to make all those dry and fried snacks to keep us engaged. Parcels would be made for family and friends who knew we were passing through their stations, who'd come and meet us. Menus would be drawn up for the travelers-and of course we all had our favorites.

The excitement of packing was something else. Lists would be made, often edited by the adults because they had to worry about how much to carry. The kids would sneak in stuff into their luggage-things like books to read and games to play.

My Mom always encouraged me to note down the names of stations we passed, my thoughts on what I saw and a full account of the trip. Of course, I did it with enthusiasm and stressed over stations I missed when I had to sleep! It certainly made essay-writing very easy and cultivated the habit of writing.

Once we reached our destinations, there was a lot of local travel that involved bus and bullock cart journeys where no public transport was available. Every moment is a cherished memory today. We met family living in the remotest areas-wouldn't dream of passing through and not seeing them and sharing a meal together and talking late into the night. Perhaps those travels kept our family united and glued together.

A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.

Fast forward to the present and I am definitely bitten by the travel bug and have wanderlust running through my veins. I am grateful for the gift of a love for travel inculcated in me! I enjoy travel, even more so now than before since I can choose my destinations and fund myself. Yay! I still carry a notebook and take notes. And I am lucky to have a family that enjoys seeing places as much as I do!

And so, I was thrilled when I received a review copy of the "Little Travel Bug - Singapore Guide and Scrapbook" for review.

This lovely travel journal is the brainchild of Kavita Deshpande-and an ode to her childhood. She has recreated for other kids what she did then-maintaining a travel journal that she filled with cut outs, stickers, drawings and her experiences. And of course, revisiting those pages would be a wonderful trip down nostalgia lane, I imagine.

The book is based on the concept that travel should be an enriching experience, an opportunity for discovering new cultures and meeting new people and getting a perspective on new philosophies. For a child, this expands her horizons while adding to their intellectual, social and emotional development.

I believe children should spend time outdoors and travel as much as they can. Also, there are great benefits of traveling with kids. Travel helps with children's' developmental milestones. They are exposed to different sights and sounds and languages, customs and cultures, and of course, people. They become adaptable to change and are more flexible. It fuels their imagination and creativity. They're ready to try new things and learn through practical experience while strengthening their powers of observation.

If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet-. Rachel Wolchin

Little Travel Bug is a wonderful travel companion and scrapbook for children, encouraging them to take notes about the places they visit. It is a useful guide with basic information about the place including fun facts, motivating children to explore further. There are interesting activities inside the book designed to keep their memories of their visit fresh for ever. There are interesting facts about the place, important places to see, weather info, culture, currency and plenty of space for jotting down their own notes with prompts and for adding photos. An easy and enjoyable way to preserve and document their vacation memories and experiences while nurturing their natural thirst for knowledge, helping them learn and grow.

Here is a glimpse into the Singapore edition of Little Travel Bug:

Some information about the famous Singapore Zoo-but just enough to whet the appetite of any animal lover - and that includes me!

What currency does Singapore use?

Some places of interest in Singapore

Fun activity: Step by step guide to draw the Merlion, an icon of Singapore

There's much more, and I encourage you to buy the book!

The book is hardcover, beautifully bound and makes a cherished keepsake/collectible. The illustrations by Happy Fish are charming and the information contained within is well-researched and just enough to pique a child's curiosity. What I really liked is that it is appealing to both children and adults. The book is easy for a child to handle and flows well. I think it makes an excellent personal souvenir.

How exciting it will be to go through these books when they're all grown up and share them with their families, reliving their experiences again! A precious legacy for generations to come.

I like how the book prompts children to do a little research to get to know the place before visiting-much like we would when we plan a trip. It inspires them to document their trip. And brings the family closer, I am thinking!

All in all, a superb concept and an excellent gift idea - to yourself or to someone you love. After all, there's no greater gift than that of experience and memories! Please visit the Little Travel Bug website for their entire range of books which includes travel diaries, travel scrapbooks and guides-scrapbooks.

The books are available for sale here and on Amazon.

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