Last week I shared my plans for my 3rd IUI. I also shared how this IUI was already starting out on the wrong foot with miscommunication with the clinic and feeling unsure about how the timing was going to work out. Well I had the IUI and things continued to go NOT as planned. The video below is of me getting the IUI. Pay attention to the conversation I am having with the doctor in the beginning. Spoiler Alert! The sperm count was low!!!!
I left the doctor's office so disappointed. The sperm count was less than half of the amount guaranteed by the bank. IUI #3 is the most stressful one so far. After the insemination I started praying and hopping that this cycle would show evidence of God's sense of humor and irony. Maybe the cycle where everything goes wrong will be my lucky cycle. But before we find out we must wait, as in the two week wait.