Live With Intention #MicroblogMondays

Posted on the 06 October 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

I spent a lot of time offline last week for various reasons. I just about barely managed to keep up with the blogging challenges I am participating in. I decided that I must catch up with my to-do list and got so engrossed with it – I found it invigorating. I was also struggling to meet work deadlines. In the meantime, with all the festival activity going on, I was enjoying being involved in those, as well.

It is a funny thing about life – the more you give, the more people expect. Slowly they take you for granted and reach a point where they expect you to volunteer to do stuff. When it happens in the family, it is not so bad as it is possible to sort it out. With others, it becomes a challenge.

As I mulled over some recent events, I realized the most important thing is to live with intention.

To do that…

I must remember to value myself

It is so easy to be confident when everything is going well. But during tough times and dark days, when all I had was my inner strength, I realized how strong I can be. I had the chance to know what stuff I was made of. I refused to give up. I know I cannot predict the future, but I definitely have the power to face it bravely. I trust myself and my intuition. When I think back on the times I overcame difficult situations, I muse over the choices I made. In retrospect, I know some things could have been handled better and I am happy that I learned from those experiences. There are actions I am proud of.

I am not indispensable

It takes practice to be firm with that “no” I am a softie when it comes to readily agreeing to do things for others. In fact, I volunteer, even when I know my plate is overfull. I struggle to make sure I keep my commitments, commitments I shouldn’t have made in the first place. So here is what I learned. I must start small to learn to say no. Practice with minor things. Then progress to the bigger ones. So maybe people will initially freak out. Eventually they’ll adjust. And when it really matters, I’ll be strong enough to take a firm stand. I’ve experienced some reactions recently – the good and not so good. I now know it is not about me. I am allowed to change. I will and they can take it or leave it.

Sometimes I just need to hear it from someone else

Even when I know the answers to questions that relate to my life, it is a lot easier to accept when someone else says the words. Coming from someone who matters, it feels much better.

Funny how one choice can change our lives forever. Sometimes, the fear of trying holds us back from living our best lives.

I’d like to share a lovely poem by Mary Anne Radmacher

Live with intention

Walk to the edge.
Listen hard. Laugh. Play with abandon.
Practice wellness.
Continue to learn.
Choose with no regret.
Lead or follow a leader.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.

That makes a pretty good manifesto for life eh?

I’m joining Mel at the Stirrup Queens for MicroblogMondays

Do you live with intention?

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