Living in a small town means:
- (Trying to) look your best every single time because you can be sure people you know pop their heads round the corner or tap you on the shoulder every time you go to the shops. Every time it happens, I think: "What are the chances, man!". Especially when I dash in and out of a shop in a few minutes in my unforgivingly 'fashionable' baggy shirt and shorts.
- Grocery-shopping alongside your daughter's teacher. No, not by appointment.
- A whole heap of gossip. My husband said to his workmate a year ago that we lived in so-and-so street and she said: "Oh beside Jay & Tina?" Jay & Tina were our neighbours who had happened to go to high school with husband's workmate. Yes, people actually know who lives on what street.
- Knowing your postie so well that he passes your parcels to you when he see you at the shops. (I refer to my former postie, the really lovely friendly elderly man, when I was living on the other side of town. The good, reliable one!)
- Not pissing people off! When we went out for dinner once, husband whispered that the lady seated next to us was the lady who got annoyed with him when he went to view her second-hand dryer and didn't want it. She got really annoyed with him wasting her time after she dragged the thing out, plugged it in only to hear my wuss of a husband go "Erm I'll go home ask my wife and get back to you." Of course, he never returned!
- Meeting random people over and over again: I was waiting at the doctor's surgery and this lady & I were whinging about how the wait is crazy, ridiculous and plain stupid. I went on to bump into her about 3 more times the same week. I also have bumped into this lovely lady with triplets at the park many times we have come to know each other now.
- Really awkward social situations: Awkwardly waiting in line beside my obstetrician who, just a couple of days ago, just put his hand up me to check if I lost mah plug 'cause I was about to give birth. Now that has got to be the worst! To say hi or not to say, is the question?? Trust me, when there are only 2 people in the post office, there is nowhere to hide really.
Overall, I do love being in a small town and all the quirks that come with it. I have heard people say that a long long time ago, it was way smaller and people really knew every single person who lived in the town. An old lady told me she used to not even step in the post office because she would ask her postie to post letters for her when he came to deliver mail. They all just knew each other well and were friends.
Have you or do you live in a small town and have little stories to tell too?
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT this Tuesday when I feel a little better and kind of in the mood back to my usual writing! I'm getting there... slowly! :)