Diaries Magazine

Living Keto

Posted on the 03 July 2024 by Lisaloo2 @lisa_teamtracy
Living Keto

I’m Back! I dusted off this old blog. did some cleaning up. Deleted some things and here I am.

3 Years ago I started on a journey. A journey to lose weight. I started at 260lbs. Size 24/26. 3/4X. I started with Weight Watchers and for a long time it worked but then I started to struggle with it. It just wasn’t working anymore. So we looked at other options and went with Atkins which started working right away. It has since turned into full-blown Keto. My doctor has me following a strict eating window due to my digestion issues. I have officially lost 55lbs. I am almost to my goal. I think I want to lose 20 more. We’ll see how that goes. The fun thing is I have a fun partner in this journey, newly developed.

So that’s my story. Will be back soon

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