Living Out of Boxes…Again

Posted on the 17 August 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

So far, moving has been a huge adventure, but if nothing else, it’s been a huge gratitude exercise.

First off, we had to get back into our condo after it saw five years’ worth of renters. It was actually in much better shape than I expected, although our house to-do list is growing. I’m excited – we have big plans for this place!

Then there’s the moving part that involves our house stuff. Oh, lord, all the house stuff. I think I was on my feet, moving and unpacking boxes, for at least a solid twelve hours yesterday, and we still have more to go! Despite all our efforts to simplify our lives back in New York, there’s no denying it – we have A LOT of stuff! But it’s really forcing us to think about what we want to have in our lives.

That’s been going well, and we were ready to hit it again this morning, but we had to deal with our cell phones being abruptly shut off. Even after I’d spoken to several customer service reps, I guess the company refused to believe we really didn’t want that European data plan, so they kept billing us for it and then decided we owed too much. Any other day, I’d be disgruntled and go deal with it, but today was a baaaaad day for us to be out of touch. My father-in-law was going in for a major procedure {from which he’s recovering very well} but we were waiting for updates and suddenly had no phones. Fortunately, the reps at the provider store we visited were able to fix everything, but…of all the days!

So it’s been hard work, a few obstacles, but a lot of motivation and triumph. Whenever I look around at the mountain of boxes or find a leak or part of the wall that needs patching or am frustrated that we need a new fridge or look at the state of our funds and realize that all the changes we want to make are going to have to wait, I look outside at the sunshine and smell the plumeria in the air and my husband and I share a childish giggle because we’re in Hawaii.

On top of that, despite surgeries and stress and life happening around us all, our families are healthy and hearty and loving. Life is good. Life is damn good. So my home may not be Pinterest worthy {like, ever, because while I’m a compulsive workaholic, I am not a perfectionist}. To me, despite the boxes, it’s beautiful and it feels like home.

Hope everyone’s enjoying their Friday and has a great weekend in store! I’ll be back next week, when I have Internet {I’m actually typing on my iPhone here}, with some eTours of Alaska and reviews of our cruise, plus a few Six Things responses for the lovely ladies who tagged me. Until then, aloha!