Diaries Magazine

Logan at One Month Old

Posted on the 07 August 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
Logan at One Month Old
Dear my beautiful little, Logan Berry, 
Mummy's a little late with this, sorry, you actually turned one month old on the 30th July. I can't actually believe that you're over a month old already - it seems to have gone by so quickly. You still feel so brand new and I can still remember so clearly waiting around for you, I can even remember just like it was yesterday what it felt like to feel you move around in my tummy. You used to hiccup so much, that I nicknamed you 'Hiccup' - your nickname now is 'Berry' or 'Logan Berry' - it's something that your Nanna E first called you the moment that she saw you after you were just born. It stuck with me and I started calling you it a few days later and now Daddy does too! At the time, I wasn't sure where my Mum had got it from, so I googled it and discovered that Logan Berries are just as the name suggests - a type of berry. Being that you're so tiny (or tiny, compared to how big your big brother is now at least), I think that the nickname Logan Berry suits you rather well.
You've changed a lot already in just five weeks. You're so much bigger than you were when you were first born. You weighed 9lbz 1oz at birth and though I'm not sure what your current weight is, you're really quite huge! At five weeks old you take seven to eight ounces of milk around every three hours. Sometimes you'll have longer stretches between bottles and sometimes shorter. I don't remember your brother, who was also quite a big newborn, ever eating that much! I honestly just don't know how you don't pop! You're a very greedy little monkey! ;)
You really love to be held and do not like to ever be left alone even for a minute. You find so much comfort from laying on my chest, I think that you like it so much because you enjoy listening to my heart beating. I love it when you look up at me from my chest, just to make sure that I'm still there -it's very sweet. You also seem to like bath time a lot, but you don't particularly like getting changed. 
At around two weeks old you had some trouble with colic or trapped wind. You cried so much and it was so hard to see you in so much discomfort. After changing your milk and the bottles that you drink from it, it seems to thankfully have completely cleared up.
At four weeks old, you smiled at me for the very first time. I thought it might have been wind at first, but then you kept on smiling. You were studying my face and watching me smile back at you, it was such a beautiful moment and one that I'll never forget - even if it was at one o'clock in the morning!
Logan, you're loved so much and you make us all very happy. Every single time I look at you, I can't help but feel such happiness. I love our family so much. Ethan has welcomed you really well, he likes to stroke your head whilst you lay asleep and he thinks it's really funny when I throw my voice and pretend to be you talking to him, starting every sentence with "Hey brother!...". I love everyday with you and I feel so lucky to have both you and your brother -- my two wonderful little boys!
I love you now and forever, love from Mummy. xxxxx
Logan at One Month OldLogan at One Month OldLogan at One Month OldLogan at One Month OldLogan at One Month OldLogan at One Month OldLogan at One Month OldLogan at One Month OldLogan at One Month Old

Logan at One Month OldLogan Month

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