London, Paris and the Cyclops 'Boll-art'...

Posted on the 18 February 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

A rare stone/concrete City of London bollard...

Self employment allows you to take time off when you're main job isn't that busy and this is exactly what I did earlier this week and went 'bollard' hunting in the day light through some of the more obscure narrow lanes of the City of London.
Within 10 minutes of my excursion into Middlesex Street E1 I found 2 stone/concrete City of London bollards that are (in my opinion) very rare because of the material used. The colours of the bollard denote that they're City of London (plus location) and if you take a close look at the picture you can see some damage to the red ridged area which is porous and certainly not metal.
I really do like these 2 bollards and don't they look fantastic with a recently applied fresh coat of paint.

Middlesex Street E1...


Parisian bollard art...

In a week where we have witnessed France and Great Britain co-operate on many fronts I'm pleased to say a big  hello and thank you to the French owned company Sinoconcept for supplying the blog/site with these wonderful pictures of 'boll-art' by an artist in Paris who just happens to have his own website LeCyklop and it's certainly worth a visit.
I must say these bollards are rather bog standard but the 'boll-art' (new word like 'bollardarian' credit @peter_watts on the twitter) certainly brings the urban street furniture to life. Be nice to see schools or art colleges in London create a little 'boll-art'. About time we dumped the American graffiti that has become a little boring and predictable.

Cyclops bollards...

A new word 'boll-art'...

The final picture (below) is of the bollard that was featured has the 150th on this blog/site which I just happened to Cartoonize can I say what a great bit of free fun software on the world wide web.

A fun site...

Bollards of London (and Paris)...