Look At It This Way

Posted on the 06 June 2013 by Tarbinator @asthehosptuRNs

Why do we take things for granted?

I’m guilty of it from time to time. Aren’t we all? We focus on something so intently, we lose sight of the bigger, better picture. I’m not sure how it happens that we so easily glide over the things in our life that truly shape us, make us who and what we are, and focus on something at the fringe. Something we are convinced that will make our lives better, our days easier.

Does it really?

I admit, I’m guilty of having ‘first world problems’ like my iPhone charger just isn’t long enough, damn it, and my Dansko clogs I ordered online are on backorder, and I can’t decide if we should go to Vegas for a vacation or head down to Mexico.

First-world problems, indeed.

Then, you have those who put it all into perspective without even trying.

Take my friend, Andrea: she’s a single mom, trying to juggle two children, one with a rare disease who requires near-constant supervision, holding down a part-time job, and keeping a house for them to live in. She rarely complains. She rarely breaks down to me. Does she break down? I’m sure she does, but she soldiers onward. She is the absolute epitome of calm in the eye of the storm. She makes this shit look EASY, even if she admits it’s not.

I’m left with a feeling of complete and utter respect and admiration. And a bit of self-realization. While I’m busy worrying about the things I DON’T have, I’ve lost sight of the things I DO have. A wonderful man, a fantastic son, a beautiful home, a great job, and money to pay the bills.

Look at it this way: you probably have much more than you think, and unfortunately, only when these things are taken away, do you realize it. I’m going to start finding appreciation in the truly little things like enjoying a sunny day on my patio with a good book. Holding hands with the man I love. Curling up side-by-side with him when we watch television. Petting my cat as she purrs on the couch. The sweet feeling of wrapping up in my bed after a long night’s work. Hugs from my son, even as he approaches middle-teenhood.

These things are no less important than a car, a vacation, or any other material item.

We always want what we don’t have, but when we get it, we begin looking for the next best thing. I propose that the next best thing may just be right there in front of you, and has been the entire time. Open your eyes. See it.

Be grateful. Be aware. Be mindful. Be happy with all that you have in this life. Appreciate all the wonderful things in your life, great or small. Chances are it’s much more than you even realize. And always remember if you think your life is so terrible, there are probably numerous people out there who have it much worse than you, who would give anything to BE in your shoes.

Even if they were backordered, and you had to wait an extra two weeks to wear them.