Looking For The Artist Known As LERT

Posted on the 06 December 2012 by Belladaze @belladaze

LERT created this wonderful art! Do you know anything about LERT?


Summer 2012 I was rummaging through Prineville Oregon’s Fallen Angel Antiques and was immediately overwhelmed by a small bird painting on a bed of leaves. Everyone that sees it hanging on my cottage wall asks about the happy painting. It really is delightful. It is signed with the name LERT. Google searches have not led to any light being shed on this wonderful mystery artist.

I mentioned the artist and painting on this Belladaze blog in a previous post when I wrote about the Central Oregon trip that I was on when I found my LERT treasure. Slowly other LERT owners have begun to surface. Mary in California, Pedro in Florida, Alan in Ohio. I am adding all LERT info under its own page tab here on Belladaze. Over time I am certain enough information can be gleaned to put a “face” or full name on the obscure artist.

Pedro shared photos of his possession. I was thrilled to see a gorgeous detailed ink drawing on a similar bed of leaves as my painting. Pedro’s LERT is 18″ x 24″ and Pedro purchased it about 20 years ago in Central Florida. Like Alan, Mary, and myself, Pedro wishes to know more about this artist. We invite anyone with any knowledge about this artist to write me at BelladazeArt@gmail.com or comment on this blog. Send a photo if you also have a LERT and we’ll post it on the LERT pageOn twitter use @belladaze or #Lert if you would please.

Please visit the Looking For LERT page on this blog to see Pedro’s large drawing, and a photo of a large LERT canvas that has surfaced in Sweden.

Happy treasure hunting!