Looking Forward To Winter...

Posted on the 29 August 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

With the end of Summer fast approaching it's easy to get a little down at the prospect of darker nights drawing in and the air getting chilly once again.....
But, as fun as the long hot Summer days are (And although we all like to complain about the British weather, I think we had a pretty decent Summer this year!), there is so much to look forward to as Autumn and Winter draw in.
Personally, Winter is my favorite month.....It holds so many of my favorite celebrations and I'm so looking forward to them all this year now that Tyne is that bit older and more capable of appreciating them than he was last year.
Hallowe'en, Bonfire Night and of course Christmas are times of the year that I just love.
I love to go all out on decorating the house, going to gatherings, seeing firework displays, dressing up.....
I think it's so important to get in to the spirit of these sorts of celebrations and encourage children to enjoy them.
I've been on Pinterest this week looking up lots of Hallowe'en ideas, and Christmas inspiration....

And of course, Tyne is going to need some appropriate winter wear for all the trick or treating and playing in the snow (fingers crossed!) that I plan on doing....so I've been bookmarking some of my favorite pieces on Regatta Outlet to get for him....they have a great sale on right now so there are lots of bargains to be had!

What are you most looking forward to once Summer waves goodbye for another year?