…lose Focus

Posted on the 06 March 2013 by Zer @the2women

Life is full of choices:  apple or orange, crunchy or creamy, paper or plastic.  Some are more challenging than others, but regardless of their degree of difficulty they must be made nonetheless.

There are ways of simplifying the arrival at a decision.  You could make a pros and cons list, discuss the dilemma with a confidant, or lock a whole bunch of cardinals in a room until more than two-thirds of them can agree on the next pope.

Although, if none of those work for you, a recent study has found that distracting yourself from the quandary at hand may aid you in arriving at the most favorable conclusion.

Lucky for you, College of Cardinals, I have suggestions.  Now conclaves of yesteryear have been known to take weeks, months, and even (on one occasion) years.  So to help you pass the time, take your mind off things, and ultimately assist you in making the best decision, here are some ideas:

  • Sudoku/Crossword Puzzles: They’re time killers and mind sharpeners all in one.  Get a group of the cardinals together, preferably with a range of scientific, pop culture, and general knowledge of completely random facts/phrases, and I’m sure you can knock out the New York Times Sunday puzzle in an hour or twelve (seriously, those things are hard).
  • Charades: Who doesn’t love charades? Here, I’ll get you started:  It’s a book, 2 syllables, 2 testaments…
  • YouTube: I know traditionally there’s no communication allowed with the outside world, aside from the papal smoke signals, but what happens in the conclave stays in the conclave and a couple of cat videos never hurt anyone. If the need for distraction gets really desperate you could always record your own “Harlem Shake” rendition.

Well, there you go, my contribution to the conclave process.  I expect we’ll be seeing white smoke in a matter of days…really depends on how long it takes to choreograph that flash mob.


NBC News: Distract Yourself to Make Better Decisions

New York Times: The Consensus Candidate

…bi-daily smile…

College of Cardinals, I give you 3 whole minutes of decision-aiding distraction courtesy of College Humor…you’re welcome: