Diaries Magazine

Losing a Best Friend

Posted on the 04 July 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms

July 4 is a day of red, white, and blue.  It's a day we celebrate our freedom with all the patriotic events such as cook-outs, parties, etc.  But to me, it's so much more.  It's my best friend's birthday.

And she isn't here to celebrate.  

You see, today would have been my grandmother's birthday.  I lost this great lady when I was twelve years old and there hasn't been a day go by that she wasn't crossed my mind.  Mamaw was my best friend, period.


Even though I only got a short time with her, in those years she taught me so much about life. There are times I wish I could just reach out and have one last conversation with her.  I would tell her about Brian.  She would love this man of mine.  She would love his soul as I do.  

I would tell her all my plans. I would ask her advice for being a mother one day, and a wife now.  I would let her teach me how to make her wonderful chocolate gravy and show my the ropes of canning and old-fashioned cooking.

I would spend more time with her learning the things this generation has no idea about.  I would grab a glass of her wonderful kool-aid and hear her sweet soul talk about those in need and what we should do to help.  I would watch her get her house "just right" for a family gathering and then sit and enjoy the fellowship.

I would be a better person to have half of this lady in me.

I miss you, Mamaw.  And I hope you are celebrating up there in Heaven.  I can't wait to see you.


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