Lots of Things

Posted on the 16 December 2011 by Elizabethwix

A lot has been going on. For one thing it has got colder.

So Baxter is wearing his cot to the park.

This is a good picture of Gally.

Sometimes people come to the park that I have not seen before.

This is Ella who has a face like one of the cookies you can get in a shop that is called a black and white cookie. Someone said she was like an old episode of Star Trek but I do not know Star Trek. She was nice anyway.

This is another matter entirely. A big, gigundo, gi-normous dog came to the park and talked to Charlotte.

I think he likes her. This may be a problem. I do not know.

This is a lion that was in a shop. If I looked like this I could get the big dog to go away.

This is the cat on 22nd St outside

And spying on me from inside.
This is a funny story. Bodhi from downstairs had an adventure. You can read about it here. It was even in The New York Times. When he was a puppy I wrote about him here.

This is a picture of me that Alicia Padron did in a letter to Henry. She is a book illustrator and we got her book for Henry so she did my picture that you can see.

This is picture of when Knut last came over.
I hope you are well.