Like every relationship we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs and all of which we’ve journeyed through together. Except for maybe 18 hours when we were 18! I value every defining moment in our relationship because they’ve shaped who we are today. I’m proud of our juorney and our dedication to one another and of course we have our own little products of love in the form of Darcie and Henry. Our biggest treasures.
Celebrating that love may seem like a tick box activity when you’ve been in a long term relationship but recognising and appreciating your relationship should be something that is prioritised. So, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner here’s a few suggestions on how to do just that - celebrate your relationship.
Yes, you may roll your eyes but no one tires of receiving Flowers for an anniversary. They’re so symbolic of blossoming signs of love. From a single red rose to a replica bouquet from your special day - flowers are a beautiful and traditional way to show someone you care.
A hand written note, taking it right back to basics. But putting pen to paper to write your feelings down is not only wonderful for the reader but it’s the perfect activity to have some quiet time to reflect and appreciate everything leading up to this point.
Living room Picnic
If you have children sneaking off for a romantic meal sometimes just isn’t feasible. In stead, one of my favorite date night in’s is a picnic in our living room. It doesn’t matter if it’s chucking it down with rain or if there is no babysitter. Just buy in your picnic favourites and a bottle of wine and create the perfect setting.
Recreate an old Date Night
When you’ve been in a long term relationship there is almost certainly some memorable date nights together. Why not recreate one of those date nights? Last year I’ve had one of the most fun evenings we’ve had in a long time - we hit a bar and drank rum and spent most of the night laughing. We need another night like that soon and have pencilled in for the end of this month!
I would love to hear how you celebrate Valentine’s Day, feel free to leave your suggestions below.
K Elizabeth xoxo xoxo