Well, the recent evolution of life on this humanly Earth has been a fast one compared to the older ones. It took approximately 3.5 billion years for the first multicellular organism to evolve on earth after its formation. From then on, for every 150 million years a new class of species appeared here. 200,000 years have passed since the origin of the genus homo. Thus this proves that introduction is more complicated than evolution. The time or the persistence for the evolution is very small when compared to the introduction or creation.
Today, we have learnt to ask our needs and meet our requirements, nurture our interests and fulfill our dreams, do our duties and live our lives. We have been successfully passing the evolutionary stage of our life from the day we learnt to use our sixth sense. Indeed we are progressing in our life at a faster pace. But the question is that do we think of the more tangled creation. Do we think about our creation or do we care only about our evolution?
The reason for our so-called efficacious life! The creation of our lives! Our father and mother. Do we realize their value and importance in our life? Have we lost the due respect and consideration for them? Today is my Parents wedding day. I would like to tell them on this day that I really do love them a lot.
Amma! (Mother)
“My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” ―George Washington.
Life is a collection of mesmerizing memories. To become exciting and exuberant recalling all the happy moments of our life, you need the drop of love. Beauty, brilliance, knowledge, memory, sagacity and others may be your innate ones. But that one quality which makes you superior to all the other species is the art of loving and being loved.
Love! Pure Love! Unexpected Love! Unintentional Love! Who else other than your mom can give you this feeling? What else on this earth can match the warmth of your mother? Have you ever felt safe or protected in others' hands? Have you ever seen anyone so happy when you are or so sad when you are?
A mother's love is matchless. She is the incarnation of the holy God. God has sent her to this earth because he can't take care of all His children. He wants every one of His children to be given the utmost care. He trusts no one else. He simply creates a mother for each child and leaves all His worries about the child to her. Every mother on this earth does the unique job given by God to protect her child. She looks after her child with utmost care forgetting every other thing including her desires and needs. Everything she tells, everything she thinks and every single thing she does is all for her child's welfare.
Oh! If you still don't understand the feeling of your mother, Go and see the hapless ones! Those who don't have that purest relation on this earth. See how they suffer without her. Who will you confide your secrets in? Who will you tell your daily experience? Who will you ask to do your things with rights? Who else will you ask to love and protect you?
A mother's position is irreplaceable in everyone's life fellas!
Appa! (Father)
“That was when the world wasn't so big and I could see everywhere. It was when my father was a hero and not a human.” ― Markus Zusak, I Am the Messenger
Life is also a collection of breath-taking moments. To become efficacious and proud in your life recalling the success moments, you need the drop of motivation. None could match your mother's happiness at your moment of success. But the reason behind your success is always your father who is comparatively strict when compared to your mother. I do find in most of the cases that a child finds its father a distant one in its child hood age. A boy/girl finds his/her father a strict one in his/her school age. A youth finds the father an inspiring one in his/her teenage.
A mother shows her unconditional love right from your birth time. But a father shows certain disciplinary restrictions to shape you. And after he finds that it is enough he turns out to be your best friend. Yes, the father in your teenage becomes your hero and role model. He waits till your right moment to turn out to be your best friend. If he too shows his love for you, you will easily take it advantageous and will never get to know the importance of your life. He waits. He too has love for you sometimes more than your mother's. But he waits. He is not hard-hearted but he waits for you to become self-sustained in your life. He leads multiple roles in your life. He is your adviser, dad, guide, friend, motivator, philosopher, teacher and what not!
Oh! If you still don't understand the nature of your father, Go and see the hapless ones! Those who don't have that richest relation on this earth. See how they suffer without the beam of support in their life. Who will you make so proud in your life of your victories? Who else will teach you the basic things of life? Who will help, inspire, motivate, scold and teach you? Who else will love you in clandestine?
A father's importance is inevitable in everyone's life fellas!
A mother gives you the basic essence of life, the love. It’s the foundation of your life. And a father gives you the basic lessons of your life. It’s the building which you lay on your foundation. Love and lesson are the two sides of a coin both are inevitable.
Realize your mom's love and Receive your dad's lessons!
And I dedicate this post to my amma and appa on this day. This is their 21st anniversary. They have been with me throughout the ups and downs of my life. They have witnessed every phase of my growth. In fact they are the ones who adore me a lot. My small contribution for this wonderful day! Love you both!
P.S: What I have said in this blog is in general. My mother and father are multi-billionaires in their love and advice. I have never had the capacity to receive them in a large amount! :D Just kidding mom and dad :P