Self Expression Magazine

Love In All Forms

Posted on the 13 February 2014 by Wifessionals @wifessionals

Love In All Forms


This week there is so much love going around. I've been thinking of all the different parts of my life and about love and all it's beautiful forms. Above everything else, I love my faith. My family's circumstances over the past few months have shown me that your faith is with you no matter what. It doesn't matter where you live or how many things you own - if you put your trust in God, He will provide for you and lead you.
Naturally, around Valentine's Day, most people are focused on their love for their significant other. This past year, my love for Ryan has grown more than I ever imagined. It sounds so cliche, but with every day I find myself falling deeper in love. I know some people are worried that having a baby might change things (in a negative way), but bringing Rilynn into our family has given me the chance to see Ryan as a father. He is so amazing with her and has incredible patience. She instantly lights up when she sees him and my heart melts when I watch the two of them together. I know the job hunt has been taxing on him. So many people have their own opinions about others' lives and their decisions. Ryan and I have stood behind his decision to get out of the military - we knew that it was the best decision for our family and our future. It has been hard, but we prayed about it and knew we could trust God to provide a new job for Ryan. The past two months have not changed any of my feelings, love or respect for my husband. We have each other and our daughter - and as long as I have that, I feel incredibly happy and blessed. When Ryan has discouraging days, I know he worries or feels he is "falling short" as the head of our family. I try to make sure that I am constantly encouraging him and telling him that I have no regrets - there is no one I would rather spend my life with and I am so proud to call him my husband.

Love In All Forms


This year, my life has gained an area of love that I had never experienced before - the love for a child. Rilynn has been the biggest blessing and I can't remember how life was before her. Having a baby changes you, but it has definitely been for the better. She taught me what it truly means to be selfless. She brings such joy and happiness to my life and my heart is overwhelmed with the love I feel for her. It's so crazy that you can feel so much for such a tiny human being - a person who can't speak back to you or really reciprocate your love at this point in her life. But I know she knows me. The way she stops crying if I am the one who picks her up. The way she smiles when I suddenly walk into a room. I know she realizes I am her mom and that feeling is amazing and beautiful. I am so excited for the months ahead as she grows and changes into a precious little girl. I wish time didn't go by so quickly, but I know it will be so fun to be able to play with her and experience her personality. Rilynn has taken the love shared between Ryan and I and multiplied it enormously.

Love In All Forms


Lastly, my love has grown for my blog and the community I have met through it. Over the past year it has changed and morphed into many new things, just as my life has. I wanted to make this space somewhere that women could come to connect with others or find helpful information. I love being able to share my heart on the days I really need to, but I also love having the ability to share the platform I have with other women and mothers. Along with that, I have loved that I can focus on doing things with my blog that make me happy again. I can take on projects that allow me to use creativity or express things I am passionate about. The fun fashion lookbooks with Rilynn or link ups for a devotional or fitness series - these are things I love in my daily life and it's been amazing to use them on the blog in a way to connect me to others. I've met friends and wives who encourage me in my faith and found tons of moms with little ones who love fashion too or are close to Rilynn's age. While my blog may be 180 degrees different from where it started, I'm ok with that and I love it! I love that it has always found a way to bring me together with people who are in the same life stage or circumstance as me - regardless of what it may be at the time. That has been an incredible encouragement and blessing in my life.

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