Love Sets on Fire!

Posted on the 29 January 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann

Love can make or break a person. I feel like love has been such a strong motivator and influencer in my life. There is a lot of love around me. I have wonderful relationships to look up to, and I have a strong relationship with my husband. 
Over the weekend, I was talking to a good friend of mine. His family is in a very chaotic state right now. His parents were married for over 30 years and they are getting divorced. There have been lots of secrets and very non-loyal acts that have happened under his nose. He feels betrayed. In his own life he has been through divorce and taken many steps back. He's now in his 30's and is in a very different place than he ever imagined. It's been over 4 years since his divorce, but  his parents' divorce is still happening. 
Love has caused him more hurt and more wounds than it has given him joy. I feel so sad that this one emotion can cause me so much happiness and that same emotion can hurt another person so horrifically. It's hurting a person that I love so much.

Isn't emotion such a funny thing? He is swearing off love, while I swear by love, and more than anything he knows that Jared and I love him. That's why he can confide and let us know how much love has done to hurt him. I can use love 20 times in 1 paragraph and the emotions it brings up for people is so different. It's an emotion that can't be ignored. It starts a fire, not always a good fire, sometimes it's a fire that causes tons of destruction!
When you think of love - how do you perceive it?