{LOVE} Sponsor Highlights

Posted on the 04 May 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
Something new for the month of May was Sponsors here at TYD. I feel so blessed that the lovely ladies you find in my sidebar have wanted to sponsor this here blog. If you're interested, there are still a few spots left for May, and you can plan ahead to sponsor for June by using the promo code "JuneLove". If you reserve your ad by May 11th you'll receive 25% off.

The XL sponsor for this month is an extra large fave of mine! Meet Stephanie.
Stephanie blogs over at just a little bit louder. She is way too humble to write an "about me" so I'm doing it for her :). Stephanie and I share a lot of interests, including loving Jesus, Starbucks, ridiculous chick lit alongside Christian non-fiction and baby elephants. I first found Stephanie's blog when she posted about leading at a summer camp ministry. I always felt kind of cheated that I never got to go to summer camp, so I was super intrigued (and a bit jealous) of her stories. You should definitely go show Stephanie some love! She will also be guest posting this month, so you'll get to learn more about her then.
Connect with Stephanie around the web: 
Blog - Tumblr - Facebook - Twitter
There are two Large sponsors of TYD this month. 
The first is Sage, from Sweet and Sage. I "met" Sage at an Alt Summit online class about blogging, and I'm stoked to have her here :). I asked her to describe her blog in three words, and she said: simple kind advice. Totally spot on!
Hi, I’m Sage.
I’m a thirty-something woman living in the suburbs of San Francisco with my husband, Chris, and my dog, Skyla.
Sweet and Sage is a place for me to share kind advice for everyday life. I’m not trying to solve the world’s problems (or am I?), but I am trying to make our lives a little bit easier, whether that’s helping you get out of bed in the morning or stay sane while traveling.
My take on advice giving is to approach every situation with kindness and love. I don’t care if I sound corny or new-agey. 

I believe there’s a loving solution to every problem. I might give you some tough love, but it’s still love.
Come visit me at sweetandsage.com, and share your kind advice!

Connect with Sage around the web:  Blog - Twitter - Pinterest - Facebook - Google +
The second Large Sponsor is Autumn at the Pickled Poppy. 
Autumn has a super awesome craft show this weekend and wasn't able to get back to me by this morning, so I will post more about her and her awesome blog/shop later this month :).