

Posted on the 25 October 2011 by Singcolinquisitor @lexuzinquisitor


A not ready heart? or a Tired heart?

LOVE, does it hurt? or does it makes you happy? How many of us have been to heart breaking? Its quiet normal for us humans to feel love and being hurt. But how long that you have to suffer and prolong the agony, how many times we've got to be hurt and when is the right time to say, "that's enough!"
Well, not quiet all of us found the right answer for these confronting questions. Many, lives has been shattered and even resulted to a tragic endings---suicide! ouch!
I don't want to condemn people who resorted to that, because sometimes when I am hurting, I also thought of doing that---my darkest secret? No, not yet! I am not saying, that I won't be doing that if ever in the future, but right now---suicide is not the right option! Ask me why?---because I am happy.
Anyway, how do you define LOVE? maybe, the answer to the questions I posed can be found on your own definition. Try asking yourself then, maybe you will find the right answer just like me. In this article, I simply define love as a profound and passionate affection for another person regardless of personal attributes, race, color and religion. When you love someone, you never choose whom you should love, because when you have reason, then it isn't love, its using. When you know that you are just being used, would you seek your freedom? For me, yes!
Before, every time I meet someone and I felt that I am just being used, I simply withdraw and avoid that person. That is to excuse myself from being hurt. As much as possible, I avoid people whom I felt that I will be put in danger in the near future. Am I being too defensive? I guess, not! I am just being cautious---I believe, that's the right thing to do.
After being hurt, how long does it takes you to recover? Some said, that the best medicine to cure the pain is to find another love? Are they reasonable enough?
Well, may be yes! or maybe not at all!
Yes, its better that you have someone to cope up with---but never hurry love. You might end up regretting. It is you, yes its you who knows best when is the right time. However, to use someone just to forget the past is a big NO! remember the boomerang of karma is just around, waiting to strike you at the most unexpected moment---be careful, many have been hit!
Do you know that love comes at the most unexpected moment? and at the most unexpected place...Well, believe me, it happens to me.
So never hurry love. Never chase love. Never be selfish in love. Love truly and be faithful---and you will be rewarded---happiness!
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