
Posted on the 19 June 2014 by Poojakaradgi
This is going to be my 76thpost out for public with as large as 133 lying there, abandoned, in my drafts section. There are feelings stuffed inside each of those 133 but they are in need of apt words to scribble them out. Some feelings, some emotions fail to discover those appropriate set of alphabets to escape out of the hidden spaces of the soul. But, some need to break through .Here’s one such expression of an ever existing feeling !A feeling of love and respect for the wonderful people –Parents.I am not the one who would put up photographs with daddy on father’s day on social networking sites, or wish him there on his birthday when I can hug him and let my feelings speak on my behalf. Neither am I the one who would write up something as good as “I love you momma”, just to get those likes from people who I don’t even know personally. An addressal in the 76th post is a little late for them because of whom I exist today, strong and confident, in this not-so-good world. But, as said I never had found the proper jumble of words before. And maybe, I’ll fail, even today. Parents. Their hearts weep, when you cry. Their hearts laugh, when you smile. I’ve seen my mommy in pains illusioned as courage during my toughest times. Be it a bad board paper or the time I had to be hospitalized. I’ve seen my dad getting that proud smile and letting all his office colleagues know whenever I or my sissy accomplished something big. The human heart was not designed to beat outside the human body. But somehow, god thought of creating these wonderful species with this exceptional feature.Heart that beats for their kids. I’ve always felt their arms stretching out for me whenever I was in need of a hug or the best advice when I needed it the most. They have been my armour, and at the same time, ripping that partly to let me experience and learn.I can sense their sacrifices behind those thousand smiles of mine. I can estimate their hardships behind each pleasure I’ve enjoyed. I can only worship their hard work in each word I write.Thankyou Mommy Daddy ,for being my strength always :)Pooja loves you a lot, even though she may not express it to you :)
(I won’t make them read this one. I am like that :P )My Blogger is behaving weird :(